FIRST SNOW Texas/OK Panhandles

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)


Did someone say El Niņo?

Can't SOMEONE give a girl a warning????

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

You have been warned, daisy! Wish I could that "ny" thang. You must have an Apple. Shoulda stuck with them, dang it!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

John can send you some polar fleece booties and tobogan for you to wear to surf DG. We all enjoy your Drrryy sense of humor, so don't leave. I hope we can still say what we want on e-mail.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Isn't it amazing how quickly we adjust to a new norm for our body temps. When you lived in Alaska, did you get as cold at this same temp? We moved from Amarillo to El Paso, first year- no coat, second year- light coat, third year- wearing wool hand-me-downs from wealthy aunt in Amarillo.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Absolutely! I guess it is true that "everything is relative." In my experience adjusting to new temperatures does not take much time either. Although I must admit that it has been harder to readjust to hot weather than it was to the cold. Dw was in Alaska 40 some years and now is chilled at 50*. Does better then I in the heat.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

The first year I moved from Cedar Crest, New Mexico to Charlotte, North Carolina June 22, 1978 I got my first construction job. We put a 40" gas pipe line from Charlotte to Greensboro. The temperature and humidity both at 95++++ Most of the men were from Oklahoma though, so my misery had plenty of company. Thank goodness I was much younger. I "swamped" on the road & river pipe truck. I had previously been a waitress and couch potatoe so to speak. I always gardened. THAT WAS AN ADJUSTMENT!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

A friend in AMarillo took pics of her one year old in the somewhat melted snow today. It should be all gone by tomorrow, when the temp may get up to 69-70*. It all melted here yesterday, as we only got 2 inches. Did I mention that Dimmitt Texas got 13 inches?

Bloom, I want some, in PURPLE, tell me where you got'em, I need em cheap.
Joanj, what is normal here is that the weather makes extreme changes every 2-3 days around here!
John, YOU lighten up, and give Dave a break, pppleeeeeze.{g}
Daisy, what do you expect, El Nino never goes away. Sorry, hope it doesn't thwart your winter too bad LOL
Dave thanks for all you do, what more can a girl get for fifteen bucks these days?
sugarweed, what is a wugarweed? Do you live near Bradenton? My sis's in laws still live there I believe...

gotta run, nice visitin with ya'll, it will be warm enough to paint some more tomorrow, YAHOO!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I'm smiling cause of a memory of my Mom saying "You people don't have anything but unusual weather out here"
She was visiting and it had gone from an unusually hot 96* coupla days near the end of April to snow on the ground the 2nd of May.

I really had hoped for a protracted warm spell this fall. We've had shorts weather for Thanksgiving before. Have also had snowsuit temps. Ya just never know.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Tamara, Wugarweed?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

*S*ugarweed, your username. The s is wight next to the w on the keyboard, I musta swipped my finger a wittle.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Tamara, the boots were at our local tiny version of a -Mart store. chain name Duckwall/Alco name on boots is Resort with a half rising sun logo. Made in China, probably find same or similar at any one of the --Marts near you. Did I mention they were only $15? LOL
Not near the value of a membership here.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Guess where I am going to day or tomorrow? Wally World! Thank you.

Modi'in, Israel

Blooms! I'm suprised at you! Spending so much money on house shoes! I got mine lst year at our Israeli equivalent of "cheap but cute" clothes store for half that after you do teh exchange rate LOL And they are so warm that I can't wear them for more than to walk across the room. Our floors in our new house get just like ICE in winter. It's unbelievable how cold these floors get. Our parkign is under us and it has an wide open the cold air down there just makes it impossible to walk on our floors in winter with even socks on....the cold goes right through the socks! It's house shoes or "regular" shoes in winter for us! But these cheapo house shoes of mine are little ovens. I slip them on to go where I want, but as soon as I sit down, off they come again. LOL


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

It is actually warm enough today to wear my sandals with socks again!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Whoops, these are go to the post office, groc store, clothesline booties. No real support so no hiking in them. But thick rubber soles and real sueded leather. They can go out in the snow and wet.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

sounds just right to me, hope they have my size...

Modi'in, Israel

Ooooooo that sounds great Blooms! From the pic I thought the soft suede went right around to the bottoms....which would make 'em only indoor warm up your feet boots. How fun to be able to go out and about with such cozy (and bright cheery) boots to keep your feet warm! I really need to go buy myself a new pair of boots. But I'm the kind of person who gets really attached to a pair of boots once I find one I really like.....and when those get worn out, it just makes me want to hide in bed thinking about all the hunting I'll have to do before I find a pair of boots I like and that doesn't cost as much as my mortgage ;-). The pair of (technically hiking, but used in all occasions cuz they were so comfy) boots that needs replacing just had a hole wear through the upper leather....after 12 years of very hard very very frequent use over 2 years in wet cold Germany, 2 years in colder than cold Canada (with one summer in hot humid Oklahoma in there) and 8 years here. That kind of loyalty from a pair of boots is hard to replace. Ho hum....guess the rainy weather will make me get in gear and get it done.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Just to let you know, a local car/truck dealership advertised their weekend sale as the "First Snow Sale"...

They only got nine inches.

The weather has been wonderful the past few day here. But.... LOOK OUT, something is on the horizon, could it be?...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

This afternoon we got 4 inches, and it is still coming down. May post pics tomorrow in a new thread!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Oh goodie, more pics of snow that's NOT in my backyard. It's snowing up on the mountains and mist-raining in the valley. As it's still 45 at nearly eight at night we can hope it won't turn to snow /or worse ICE down here.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

We'll keep watching here until you do. BBBBRRRRrrrrrr!!
Just watching the weather chanel and they are talking about snow in Amarillo so I guess it's pileing up in Fritch. Huh?Tamara?
Do your boys make snow angels?

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

It snowed on my dad's ranch in Roswell today so it is reaching pretty west too.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Hey, daisy!

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Hey, John! :-)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

hey daisy john blooms & sugar!!!

would you believe that by the time I got the camera figured out, most of the snow had melted. So I have a pathetic picture of melted snow.

Even better, I have a story, second hand about snowflakes the size of a child's hand! Well, maybe she said a baby's hand?! I don't exaggerate, but MAYBE she did.

i will try to load pic on the next post...

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

LOL Sounds like a typical Texas-sized tale to me!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

No, we need a lot more snow than that to make angels LOL

I think it came here from Roswell.

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye

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