It's just a little veggie garden

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Now that the temps are cooling down here a bit, I can now grow some veggies. I put in strawberries, cukes, tomatos and red bell peppers from seedlings and the bush beans, sugar snap peas, scallions, garlic, coriander, spinach and stevia I planted from seeds.

All the seeds sprouted within a week (except the stevia, I'm not sure if the tiny things growing in that line are stevia or tiny weeds). They are all doing so well, I even had a couple berries show up so far.

And now it's time to put in some more beans and peas to stagger the "crop".

Yep it's just a little veggie garden, but I am so pleased they are doing so well. As it is, I will be sharing these with anyone who wants some. There will be way more than I can eat and freeze up.

I also have 3 kinds of hot peppers growing in a seedling pot. I'll figure out where there is some spare ground to plant them next weekend. I don't even eat hot peppers, heehee, but I guess I got carried away when I ordered the seeds.


This message was edited Oct 31, 2004 6:56 PM

Thumbnail by MollyMc
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Great, Molly! I hope I can find that much space that gets enough sun for a small veggie garden next year.

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

And what a nice veggie garden it is too. I'm pretty much in the same situation. Not a lot of space and my best veggies are this time of year rather than spring/summer. RIght now I have okra, romaine, tabasco, cayenne, and cowhorn peppers coming in. If you need a home for your hot peppers, my DH makes the best home made tabasco sauce ever.

Thumbnail by PvillePlanter
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


What a wonderful plant and look at those peppers!. Now I remember why I planted hot peppers, because they are so pretty.

I will be happy to share as many as you like. Darius, do you like hot peppers?
I hope you find some sunny spots too. I'll bet you are just itching to get some things growing.

BTW Darius, my SIL took the mango seedling home. I have 2 more for her when she comes for Thanksgiving. You did say they needed a boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you think with 3, she'll get what's needed?


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Molly, she'd probably be pretty safe with 3!

And I do not like hot peppers... moreover, they do not like me.

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

PvillePlanter, nice lookin' pepper plants! What's that in the left background, okra?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Progress report (I know all the old farm hands will laugh at me, I am such a novice at this.)

The cucumbers took off for the shade and for the bell peppers and proceeded to try to strangle everything without even producing a cuke. I pulled them up today.

The stevia never germinated, so I pulled all those weeds and moved the strawberries over there where there was more sun.

The cherry tomatos and beans are doing great, but not ready yet. The coriander is fine and I can whiff that garlic whenever I bend down to pull the weeds. The spinach is poor and the scallions are scrawny. The sugar snap peas uh, well, who knows, I may not try to grow them again if they don't get it in gear.

But now the bell peppers (oops, they are green peppers, not red bell) have been in for 65 days today. How do you know when they are ready to pluck off the plant?


Thumbnail by MollyMc
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh, I forgot to show a current picture of the strangled mass it grew into.

Thumbnail by MollyMc
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

And here's my beans. If you look close you can see little green cherry tomotos in the back and down near the ground are some small green peppers.

I did plant a second crop of beans and peas over in another area. I put them by the leggy Mexican Petunias. I figured they were as good a trellis for climbing as anything. And it worked.


Thumbnail by MollyMc
Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Molly, you can pick bell peppers at any stage as long as they're big enough, although they'll be sweeter if left to ripen (red).

Your's are only 65 days, it usually takes 85 days or so for red peppers (depending on the variety), they'll get red if you don't eat them first! ☺

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh but I made a mistake Big Red, they are green peppers. I forgot, last year I grew red ones and they were small and few, so this year I'm doing the green ones.

(Besides, Lowe's didn't have any red ones this fall when I went there. :^)))))

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

MollyMc there is only one Evergreen bell pepper on the market. All the others will be either Red or Yellow when ripe.
We need pepper Pictures in the PDB. so I am looking forward to particularly You and Pville coming through.

I use Cayenne primarily as a s a spice, Jalapeno can use raw as a relish.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Peppers..speaking of...what does one do with all those peppers? I grew a long row of mixed peppers, mostly bells, some anaheim, a few jalapenos and a few misc, not sure what they were. I ate a few in salads but I'm ashamed to say I let the first freeze get most of them and they are now rotting in my compost pile.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


When you are talking to your friends and neighbors about your garden, give them away. I only put in 4 plants and I'm sure I won't be able to eat them all by myself.

I've already promised some to my landlord and his wife.

The same thing for the jalapenos and habaneras I'm growing from seed. I don't eat them, I just thought they were pretty to grow.

But the cherry tomatos and strawberries are my snacks when I'm weeding....they never make it to the kitchen.


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Molly, ya done good, girl! I could never grow a bell pepper larger than about 2 inches long and 1 inch wide, LOL. Don't even ask me about beans!

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you Darius.

Farmerdill, I will try to wait a while longer before picking the peppers and post a picture in the pdb then.


Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


Peppers are very easy to freeze, we just wash them, cut in pieces to the size desired, put in ZipLock bags and freeze. No blanching required. We just had some from the freezer tonight, fried with onions, yumm!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Darius, you should be ableto grow tremendous bells in your climate, Try a Big Bertha or a Super Heavyweight and give them a couple of table spoons of Epsom Salts. They have a high demand for magnesium.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Molly, Glad to hear from you ! Missed you. My garden is doing just fine and the strawberries I planted in my earthbox are delicious.(Sweet Charlies) My peppers, green, red , yellow and chocolate are heavily budded but no peppers yet because I had a late start. The tomatoes, also in earthboxes, are doing fine and I already had two delicious "Glory" tomatoes.
If you grow any tomatoes you must try these. Also planted sugar snap peas, Burpees stringless beans, cucumbers, roly poly squash and butter(yellow) squash. I noticed you had some problems with the vines that cukes set out ? Try using a trellis so they can climb up. They grow so fast that it seems if I stood next to them for a few minutes they would rap themselves around me ! I have a new garden and as soon as my son sets up my computer I will show pictures.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


Yes please, post up some pictures. So you have a new garden? Are they still all in containers?

I yanked up all those cuke vines, but maybe when the bell peppers are done, I will try some more cukes with better trellis'

You are really going all out this year on your veggie gardens. I am so impressed. And how do you like this 65 high we are having today? I think I need to get some socks on my feet.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Love the weather and so do my veggies. In the tomatoe forum (Don't know how to link over) you can see some of my efforts. Do hope you take a peek at "My New Garden."

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I'm on my way over there now.


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