British Currency..what is a silver Joey ?

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

I recently purchased a commemorative wall plaque its a collection of coins, stamps, medals, maps, etc., to commemorate the 60th anniversary of D Day World War 11..unfortunately there is not much information contained explaining the currency and I wanted to do a write up to give to my son [ this is for his birthday coming up soon]..However, Ido not know what a silver Joey is ?
in fact never heard of it...the old currency is so familiar to us as that is what we used growing up..The Silver Joey is about half the size of a farthing ..and yes we remember the farthings..I cannot find any information even from old encyclopedias...Any explanations please...
and I need it soon !!!!

A silver Joey is a threepenny bit made of silver

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks so much Baa, now I can put the background info together...our youngest was born in England when we were back there in '66 so he is very interested in his roots and the culture..even tho he does not remember much and only visited periodically..but visiting it is not quite the same as living there...
Strange how we never did see any of those coins...thought we knew them all...[ the farthing disappeared quickly], was of little use or importance, and the value was gone...
thank you also for your speedy reply..this helps a lot..marion

My pleasure! I hope your son will enjoy such a unique present.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I never knew that Baa, is there no end to your knowledge?

Oh yes there's definitely an end to my knowledge, I was born after decimalisation and have only seen one threepenny bit, but Google is pretty good to fill in the gaps ;) I meant to add the link, must have missed it out.

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

thank you, am sure he will enjoy it, that should be quite a surprise and is in a nice gilt frame, so he can put it on his wall....
[next time I am stumped I will know who to call on !!!]

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

ps just thought of something that you may know but I didn't [information contained]
'The English penny goes back to another invasion force..the Romans. Its predecessor was the Roman denarius, explaining why the abbreviation for penny was "d" until 1971"

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

your post came in while I was doing mine Baa, you should have kept the info on Google to yourself because I am thinking of you as being one super superwoman [ which I am sure you are, I love pulling peoples legs when I get the chance]. don't I Sue...
Seriously, thank you for taking the time, I am going to get all the facts together today so then it will be all done for this coming weekend..

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Its amazing the age we now live in where we have so much information at our fingertips..I put together lots of info for my son this week, everything he needs to know about D Day, the landings, the medals, the coins..special events that happened and by the end of the afternoon I had almost enough to fill a magazine..The BBC archives has the best information, you could go on forever...
The family got together last night [ minus yours truly] had a lovely dinner and a 'guy' movie, however in a couple of weeks our son will be down here, so I get to celebrate his birthday, two in fact, then I get to cook a favourite dinner for him and order the luscious ice cream cake which I cannot eat either..but they enjoy which is the whole idea...
Earlier this week we had the eclipse...we had a wonderful view down here during the evening, I used binoculars, but my son who is fascinated with astrology and has all the equipment [powerful telescope etc.] never even got to see any of it..200 miles up north where they live, the rain was pouring down and low clouds of course...I was so sure he'd see just never know... now apparantly he will will have to wait until 2007 [ bummer !!!] I did get a very late call from him last night, tis his birthday tomorrow [Hallowean] so he always has his party earlier.... waiting to hear from him again...hope he enjoys..
Bye the bye, just changing the subject but I have just had my Saturday morning ''fix'' the way of 'Jokes' the BBC program 'Just for Laughs' [ the best of British humour]...I cannot honestly imagine any city over here where people are filled with such good humour and patience, and are such good sports...I enjoy watching them as well as laughing at the silliness of the satire..where or where would you get people being so incredibly helpful and good natured... I think it shows people over there to be the best in helping out in ridiculous situations, then laughing along afterwards after being caught out in the gags...only in Britain !!!!!! it is so refreshing to watch...

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