Halloween Pumpkins

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

One would think that there would be a flood of pumpkin patch pictures and commentaries this time of year. Nary a one for the PDB. Don't you northerners grow pumpkins anymore?

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

Farmerdill: I have some pictures of Sorcerer pumpkin that I would like to add to the database, but I want to be sure I do it right. I'm not sure how they're classified--I know they are Cucurbita "something", but I'm not sure what. Can you help me out? Rhonda

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Emaewest, Sorcerer is not currently in the PDB, so go to the plants data base and click on add a plant. Common Name = Pumpkin, Family name = Cucurbitaceae, Genus = Cucurbita , Species = maxima , Cultivar = Sorcerer

This is a Harris Moran hybrid so if you need any info in checking off the details just go to their site. You may add your note. Then click on "Upload an image of this plant" and follow the directions. I don't think that you will have any problems.

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

Thank you so much, Farmerdill! I tried searching for info but couldn't really find very much specific to Sorcerer. Great info at the Harris Moran site.

Again, thank you!


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

The PDB is only as good as we make it - if you have info on this plant, please add it! Especially your personal experience with it - IMHO, that's often what makes or breaks a seed purchase for me. I'd much rather have a gardener's personal recommendation than a seed catalog "blurb" (which is arguably self-serving for the company, no matter how fair and unbiased they try to be ;o)

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

"The PDB is only as good as we make it - if you have info on this plant, please add it!"

Oh, geesh, I did so many things wrong that I'm embarassed to share my experiences! LOL This was my first year growing pumpkins.

Actually, I'm getting around to writing an entry. It just takes me a long time to get organized and such. I'm hoping to be finished adding what I have within the next week or so. But it could take months.

I took a lot of pictures along the way--vine, flowers, leaves as well as the fruit. Should I post some of these as well? Is it relevant--or do most pumpkin vines look pretty much the same?

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

FarmerDill - remember I asked for advice about insects on pumpkins a month or two ago? And you said pumpkins didn't do well in the South in fall... You were right - of about 50 plants, planted in July, I didn't even get ONE miserable pumpkin :-(. It was a consolation that my daughter went pumpkin picking last week at the Agricultural museum in Jackson, and brought home a little pumpkin no more than six inches in diameter - and I assume they are professional growers...

Thumbnail by trifunov
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

The little pumpkin might be one of those mini varieties. If you contact the Agricultural museum and talk to the gardener you might get some information on something that does well in your area.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Pumpkins can be grown at least in Georgia and South Carolina by planting in April and May. the problem then becomes one of storage, I grow Cushaws this way. If one is willing to irrigate (Pumpkins hate hate the hot dry summers) and implement a consistant spray program to hold the pickles worms in check it may be possible to grow the in the late season. I just have not had the desire to battle those things on thier own terms, since I can work around them here.

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

It probably is a mini pumpkin - but if I admit that then what excuse do I have for my pumpkins? lol

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Emaewest, I'd add all the photos you have of the vine, flowers, and leaves as well as the fruit. Can't hurt, might help. (I'm not a punkin' grower, LOL, but I add all those kinds of photos of my few tomatoes.)

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

We didn't grow any pumpkins this year, but a friend gave us this one that we decorated, and Bummy has taken a shining to it.

Sorry, it's not really pumpkin growing info, but it's cute and I wanted to share it.

Thumbnail by Joan
Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

JoanJ: Awww...that's sweet. I love kitties. : )

Darius: Thanks! I'll add some of the other photos I have.

Cle Elum, WA(Zone 5b)

We grew pumpkins here in eastern washington this year. I had one left after the neighbor kids picked theirs so i carved it. looks really cool lit but i wasn't able to get a decent photo.

Thumbnail by otterpotter
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

NICE CARVING!!! Love the eyes.

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Farmerdill, I tried pumpkins here in KY and they didn't do well for me either. Planted Connecticutt Field pumpkins in May but the vines all died prematurely. I got a few three pounders but thats all.

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