How to grow Vegetables

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

I have always found it interesting how there are many different ways to grow lets say "Tomato". Because of the diverse interests I set up a basic "How To Grow" page on my website for all who may have ideas, approaches and interest on how different vegetables are grown. I'm going to ask that if you'd like to share your ideas on differnet vegetables or on ones that I have not even mentioned that you may send your information to me ( and I will add it to to specific vegetable if it is different and give credit for the information obtained....of course post at DG too as others are always needing good information. I think this will be nice for all to gain alot of informational sharing and knowledge. Anyway here is my page in sharing with all what I have started. There is a link for each vegetable and information is being added presently and ongoing as I type here even now.

I just LUVS Gardening

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

I'd like to be able to give you some feedback but really don't have the time to do so.

Since you and I live not too far apart I can more easil y resonate with what you say then perhaps some others who read and post here.

And since I've grown everythng you list, and actually, was raised on a truck farm, I'm up close and personal with all those veggies and fruits.

I'm not sure how what you're trying to write is different from the many books and articles and websites and personal help available here and at other websiteds as well as certain seed catalogs that are out there.

For instance, I think the growing info in the following catalogs, is for free and is excellent. Johnny's, Stokes and Territorial.

Often you go right from how to plant to harvesting and seldom do you have any info about what you have to do to those plants in order to be able to have a harvest. (snile)

For instance, with cukes, most folks have horrible problems with striped and spotted cuke beetles transmitting bacterial and viral wilt to plants and so one needs to know what to do to prevent that from happening or there will be no cukes. Same with melons.

And with melons, you speak of Persian melons needing to be cut from the vine b/c they don't slip. What do you consider "Persian" melons to be?

I did read your seed saving article in the raised bed thread and made some comments there.

So I wish I had the time to give y ou feedback, but I'm sorry, I don't.


Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

Well if you read closer my post . I said " a BASIC" informational section on how to grow vegetables and asked for input by those who would like to contribute, being there are many "IDEAS" and experiences that are diverse and yet welcomed That is why the Growing section as well as the care sections in most are short and left for expansion or did you mis the point to eager to attack me. GEEZ, your an awful commentator. Please if picking other than vegetables is your frienzy, take it elsewhere.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

did you mis the point to eager to attack me. GEEZ, your an awful commentator. Please if picking other than vegetables is your frienzy, take it elsewhere.

Nope, didn't miss the point at all.

I wasn't attacking you at all.

Where I come from it's called input, which is what you were asking for.

i don't have the time for specific input as I said, but was suggesting expansion of those general areas I mentioned.

It's called trying to be helpful where I come from .


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I think you gave him some very good feedback, Carolyn.

G101, you did ask for some input. As a writer myself I realize how important it is to take criticism, especially when it's of a constructive nature. That's what I see in Carolyn's post, simply that.

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

Lets start with this forum area.

Carolyn - You wrote "Often you go right from how to plant to harvesting and seldom do you have any info about what you have to do to those plants in order to be able to have a harvest. (snile)"

I was pointing out that I purposely set that area up that way on my website with "BASIC" growing information. Again I will say that the CARE and GROW area are small on purpose. If I filled out every idea for growing from manuer teas to side dressing, from mulching to drip water feedings what would I accomplish? Those with ideas and experiences may not want to take a stab at submitting an idea about vegetable care and growing.

Most of us do understand seeds at certain depths and spacing within rows as well as the rows themselves. It's even on the back of the seed packets. To include how and when to plant.

I don't see why in the world anyone would want to make a statement the way you did as I quoted from above when I explained very well what the purpose was of the Vegetable Grow, How to area unless they missed the point or were purely ridiculing. Yes I do feel attacked by you and why shouldn't I becuse of this alone. Especially after reading two prior negative reponses from you.

You don't like my paper and the way it's written fine. It's from my experiences which I can back and I was sharing my experience.

The Corn study was a 20 year study by Essex Agricultural Institute and with set parameters within Greenhouses as well as open fields. The seed handling experience and findings of which maybe I should elaborate on was just one of my experiments with parameters and good testing structure. I was writing a page, not a book so there is much more I could have written but did not. But don't tell me nope impossible and not not true when I and others did the testing and proving the situations out, and repeated the process with results the same. By the way, the shell of some seeds are more protective than others, but not all seeds are protected from harm by handling.

There is a difference in opinionating, constructive criticism, and just being disagreeable. In my day these things were expressed with more thought and openmindedness instead of just blowing off what an individual wrote like you did in the other two forums.

So yes, I'm not going to take that from this area where I was strictly talking about inviting others to contribute. I wasn't asking for a critique of that webpage.

I will be placing others ideas there. They may be good ideas and maybe bad ones but if it worked for them in there given area why not share it. We all don't live in "LIKE" enviroments pertaining to soil, climate and so on. So, I'm not going to take information from people and automatically circular file 13 it if I don't like it.

Believe me, I can take constructive criticism or I would never have learned a thing. You don't have to participate. I'm sure other will and from other member sites and programs I belong to. AHS (American Hoticultural Society), NHG (National Home Gardening) and BYG (Back Yard Gardener), and Essex Agricultural.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I should point out that it was me that made the "constructive criticism" comment, not Carolyn. No need to attack her on that...I was the one who said it. I take full responsibility on that. Sorry it has hit a sour spot with you...I had no idea it would.

As for 'placing other ideas' on your website, why not place them here for DGers to participate in within these forums? We've got a warehouse of knowledge here at DG and I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for right here. After all, this IS the greatest gardening website online, eh?

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

Horseshoe I did say post it here as well I luv DG and it's forums. I'm not mad or angry. It takes alot to do that. I'm just very protective of my intergrity as a grower and past farm boy. I never mentioned that we had a family farm in Danvers, MA growing up. We also had horses. I'm just a home grower now. Most all but about 5-6 farms are gone from Danvers. There were when I grew up there 20 Farms. If I were angry or mad I would just not contribute and I would let my membership drop. Anyway I posted a sample of seeds handled intentionally without care and described quickly the experiment. I hope all can learn something from my contributions. I try like heck to be helpful.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Okay...just saw that post (mishandled seeds)...didn't understand it at the time.

I'm think we're working with two different types of bacteria there though. Bacteria that lives on cat feces is not the same kind that would live on, or have an affect on seeds, is it?

(Trust me, bacterial info is my weakness! I'm in the dark here!)

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