Yams anyone? Place your experiences here

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

In one of my posts I mentioned Yams. They are nearly impossible to grow here as they need full sun and are grown in the tropics. Of course I pay no mind to where plants are grown, just the timing to produce the crop. Yams are not Sweet Potatoes. They are a seperate sweet vegetable. Some will call them seedless fruits. So if your in a winter zone, you can try this as I am doing presently. Figure backwards from maturity a Yams growth plus 5 weeks prior to your soil being in the 60 degree range and start them in a deep Troff Container or several containers 1x3x3 in feet. Keep these warm and moist but let them dry every so often. When it comes time transplant them into your raised beds. Be sure to cover on cool nights below 60. I buy my yams this thim of year at the grocer as I would good hardy potatoes. I look for alot of root still intact. I start them like you would an avacado just a week so in a bit of water so as to stimulate a new root growth or liven up an existing one. Make sure the Yams are off the fresh produce area and not the refrigerated area. Once chilled they don't do so well. I eat the rest of the plant, hey thats what is so fun about it. I get a taste, jar some or freeze some, and I grow my own. Getting your own to reproduce year after year from the previous year is also quite exciting.

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