Large Gourd

(Zone 5a)

Even though I got a real late start planting my gourds this year and only got two gourds on the vine, this 20 lb bottle gourd made it all worth while.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Wow....what's the size in inches? Height x width?

(Zone 5a)

I haven't measured it yet been to busy, but will do so soon.

(Zone 5a)

Here are the measurements as promised, sorry it took so long. This is from the bottom

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

It's 27 1/2 " long and weighs 20 Lbs

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

It's 33" round

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

Can you believe that these both came from the same vine? The largest bottle gourd sat on the ground while the smallest was hanging, I guess it makes a big difference in the shape of the gourd.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Aye carumba! Thanks for taking time to measure. I'm going to plant one on my trellis (over the entrance to my garden) next year. Looks like I will be doing some ducking on my way in! LOL What do you feed your gourds, Windsurffer?

(Zone 5a)

I use a lot of compost this year and used miracle grow. IMHO I don't think you should grow these on a trellis I think the weight of them would be too heavy, they can get large.
If you would like to grow gourds on a trellis try Egg gourds they are so beautiful.
I have been experimenting with different gourds for the last six years and I find that the ones that are allowed to sit on the ground turn out to be larger and I get more interesting shapes.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Ah...good advice....maybe I'll go for the snail vine on the trellis and large gourds under my fruit trees! Thanx!

(Zone 5a)

Your welcome but you might want to try the egg gourds on your trellis, it would be a different look. Everyone here ask me what type of vine I had planted on mine, they thought it was neat.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

I grew the little egg gourd one year, ended up with a bunch of little gourds I didn't know what to do with! (also the meter man was mad, he kept having to try to step through that gourd vine and all the little "eggs" every time he came to read the meter - ha ha) I would like to try an apple gourd sometime, they look neat! I want to paint them to look like apples and put them in a bowl! Also, should probably keep the gourds at the other end of the yard since I grow winter squash in my garden close to the trellis, or would it matter? And also want to try to grow a bushel gourd, haven't tried a really big guy yet! I've heard a slab 'o styrofoam under them helps to keep the bottom from getting nasty......whatcha think?

(Zone 5a)

I did a few things with them but there is a lot that I haven't descovered.
Here is a few links to the ones I've done now keep in mind this was my first time decoriting egg gourds.

You also can make salt and pepper shakers out of them. If you still have some left I would be more than happy to trade you some seeds for them.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Those are great! Gives me inspiration! I doubt I have any left....made a few things with some of them, then gave the others away. I will check, is possible some are still in my craft box in the garage! I'll let you know! Do you think the egg gourds would make good "pears"?

(Zone 5a)

Yes if you seal after you paint them. I would use patio paint, that's a paint for outdoors but I find you still have to seal them with a spray polyurethane, be sure to get the none yellowing kind.

I haven't been decorating gourds that long and I know I still have a lot to learn but these links will give you an idea of some of the things I have done. I am now working on making a dolphin.
The husky dog I did was from a photo I saw on the internet but I did get the owners' permission. You will also see some of the different types of apple gourds I have grown with measurements.

These are just a few of the gourds that I have done, if you want to see more just look through this forum. Hope I didn't get too carried away with the links.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Your gourds are lovely! This is the only gourd craft I have done....yet. I made it for my office (company name "Dreamcatchers" so I indian-ish stuff for decor). I bought a wood burning set, want to try that too. We'll see, first I have to grow some!

Thumbnail by Kachinagirl
Crossville, TN

That is a lovely gourd!! tell me about your company "Dreamcatchers". I do some dream catchers from devils claw. Jo

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Dreamcatchers Landscape Design. My speciality is upscale custom homes and estates, but I do development homes and commercial work, too.

Crossville, TN


(Zone 5a)

Kach it is very lovely, I have done a lot of native American art on my gourds in honor of my grandmother who was full blooded Choctaw.
I bought a wood burning tool last year and believe me I am still learning how to use it. I used it on all the gourds I decorated, it does help a lot but I need to learn how to use it for shading among other things.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Maybe I had better plant gourds that are PROLIFIC so I can practice with my wood burner and toss the rejects! LOL My goal is to grow gourds large enough that I can decorate them, then set my houseplant pots inside.....I think it would look better than just having the pots show. See the pic, I want to put the plants on the wall above my desk into the decorated gourds. Maybe if I can grow one large enough I will put it on a wrought iron floor plant stand with a plant inside!

One thing for sure, this is a dream job for someone who loves plants. I am very blessed. :~)

Thumbnail by Kachinagirl
(Zone 5a)

It's nice to have plants in the work place.

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