Leaky duck pond :(

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

We inherited a concrete duck pond when we moved here, but unfortunately it leaks. We bought a thin liner for it, but unfortunately that has split and doesn't do the trick.
We are now about to splash out, lol, on a more expensive liner, but I'm a little concerned about those beaks and whether this will be a waste of money

Does anyone have any suggestions please?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Was it the ducks that split the last one ?Do they nibble at the stuff? or was it being laid on top of concrete that did it?

Maybe if you leave this split one in, and lay the other on top, so it acts like an underliner.

How annoying when the pond leaks! Can you get concrete sealant over there Philomel? If you're using something lie a buytl liner the ducks shouldn't be able to put a tear in it, their bills aren't terribly strong. It could be that your current liner was weak to begin with or the concrete lining is too rough for it?

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Philomel, we have had a butl. liner covering our concrete pond for 15 years now, and it is fine no problems at all [ no ducks but plenty of racoons in there chasing and catching the fish] I would think their claws would have done more damage...also our very hot sun has not caused a problem either..so maybe all you need is the more pricey [thicker] liner and I agree with Sue, put it over the liner you have..we had to use a pad on top of our concrete....[ you may even have to pad the new liner more, as it has to be protected against the concrete]

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I think we made the mistake of laying very thin liner directly onto the concrete.
We've looked for concrete sealant here. I'm sure they must do it but we haven't found any yet, so will go with leaving the current liner, putting old carpet or something on that to cushion a thicker liner. Yes, butyl's a good idea Baa, though expensive.
The idea of rubber roofing material has been suggested on the Water gardens forum, I imagine that's cheaper but don't know anything about it.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks peterson. I hadn't read your post when I replied. That's really encouraging :)

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

You probably know this already Philomel, but if you want fish in your pond you will have to be very careful what kind of liner you put in...this is why we went with the more expensive Butl.liner, because it is fish friendly and no chemical reactions...as we wanted to put the fish in our pond immediately we had to go with the butl...but it has proved its worth..just a consideration on what you need...have fun !!! :>)))

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks peterson, this one is just for the ducks - and any other passing wildlife that doesn't mind sharing LOL
Good to remember how careful one must be with fish though :)

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

send us a photo of it when it's done please, including the ducks :-)

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