Clerodendrum X Speciosum

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Frogrus & Indigoez-time to start giving me an e-holler! We have roots...

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks from all of us that are learning impaired and must see pictures!! lol I wish all directions came with pictures. :-)
Now I just have to start buying more milk in the quart jugs!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm not much of a milk drinker, myself...fortunately my hubby drinks it like water,so we always have plenty of milk jugs...
Clear party cups work, too, but the semi-opaque are still best because they allow you to peak, but don't allow too much light to the roots...

Terrie-I'll have to get my tea set out! I have a feeling we could talk plants for hours, if you stop by! lol...

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Get it ready cause I'm definitely stopping by next week! (I would come this weekend but I have HUNDREDS of bulbs to plant). The Hubby just shakes his head and says this must all stem from being deprived as a child. LOL

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)


Modi'in, Israel

I have a question about the C thompsoniae as well as Seedpicker's x Speciosum. The garden center staff tells me that these must be in partial shade and can't stand full sun. What about those of you in the hot Texas sun? Where do you plant them? Is it true they can't stand full sun? I really really really want both of these (and my GC keeps both in stock) but the only place I have left to put them is in full sun. Thanks for any feedback.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

My clero x is in a spot on the North side of my house. The clero x I planted out into the garden, I snugged up under a huge tree, on a fence.
The thomsoniae I planted mixed with another more agressive vine, to kind of shade it...
That is just what I did...the blooms of the clero x always bloom in shade. The parts of it, that climb into sun always burn, and don't produce flowers, for me...

Modi'in, Israel

Wow that was a quick response! :-) Thanks a bunch seedpicker! :-) There is one spot on the fence where one of my trumpet vines didn't succeed. That long fence has trumpet and arabic jasmine alternating. I think I'll put the C. thomsoniae there where it will have very little direct sunlight (shaded by the already grown trumpet as well as the nearby almond tree. I'm so glad you told me about yours because I just fell in love with the bleeding heart when I saw it and thought it was just the most stunning thing I'd seen in a long time. :-) I think I may actually try to get one in that spot before our winter sets in (we're still quite warm here).


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

You're welcome Julie!

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Terrie & Taylor (and any other in our area), the Fort Worth Botanical Garden Plant Sale is tomorrow from 9 to 3. I posted the info in the Gardening Events Forum , but I wanted to make sure you knew about it. I have heard they often have lots of really interesting plants, but you have to get their early. I am thinking about being there at 9 am. If you gals think you might be going, let me know.

Floresville, TX(Zone 9a)

Seedpicker, you have mail:-)

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Mine is blooming in the shade also. Climbing up a tree. Gets a little morning sun but not much.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Finally have a picture of mine. I took cuttings tonight because we may get to freezing tonight. Seedpicker, I need your expertise! I stuck the cuttings in water just to get them inside. Will they root in water or do I need to put root stimulator on them and stick them in soil? Help!!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry I'm a few days late, responding!
They do not root as easily as the Thompsoniae(which root in water).
I'd suggest a soilless mix with a cover.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Taylor. Don't know why the picture didn't post. Will try again.

Thumbnail by trunnels
Shepherd, TX(Zone 8b)

I have a rooted cutting from a C. thompsonii bush in Navasota that reportedly survived the winter outside there. The woman had it in a huge pot between two buildings, protected on the south side. She said it would freeze back, but come back every year. It may have to do with where you put it. I have mine in a half whiskey barrel in the middle of my yard partially sheltered by some trees. I don't know how it's going to do, but I'll probably cover it when it freezes just to be safe. Do you have C. ungadense? I have mine out in a big pot, and it's just about to bloom. Will I need to protect it? The pot is too big to move.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Stacey!
Yeah...I will probably try again with another start of it, in the Spring. We are going to cut a huge tree down, so maybe everything will be happier, with a little more sun.

Yes, I do have the Ugandense, and yes, I would cover it(only when it is down to a freeze). I've been using old sheets, but this year decided to buy some frost cloth. Lee Valley Tools is a great site, with some great products. They sell the frost cloth on a roll, and I also got their little row greenhouse set up thingys...can't beat $20, and I can use them over and over!

Then, again, you are still a little warmer where you are...not by a whole lot, but by enough...My brother lives in Houston, and while our zones aren't that different, he can grow all kinds of things that I cannot...They have a lot more humidity, too...

Are you looking for any of the other cleros? Let me know...


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