Anyone know how to root evergreen wisteria?

Mc Call Creek, MS

This is millettia reticulata. I've tried covering a a limb with soil and pinning down with a brick. I've tried air-layering. I've tried the general way of rooting a cutting with Rooton in a pot of potting soil in the shade. I've got some cuttings in water right now. So far, nothing has worked.

Anybody ever done this? I need help. I generally have at least fair succes in rooting plants, but this one has me stymied.


Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5a)

Hey there: It is strange that you are having such difficulty with something that has the reputation of being easy to root. You sound like you know what you are doing so please don't be offended if my questions are a bit basic. I'm new to this website. How long did you leave the brick on the branch and did you scrape the node and apply rooting hormone? What time of the year did you try it? Was it a green branch or older? In general it will take better in the spring or through the winter and early spring. It can take a couple of months if the weather is not good. The early spring is when the plant hormones are most active and will give the best result. Green wood is always easier to root than old wood. Many shrubs and vines won't start new roots if they are blooming. Jessamine

Mc Call Creek, MS

Jessamine, you have covered a world of information in your post. Possibly the time of the year (Sept.) and the fact that the wood is hard are the causes of my problem. The plant is also blooming.

Thanks for your input.

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