sorry to start this again...but about drying gourds

Norwalk, CT(Zone 5b)

Okay, I have seen a bunch of threads on this already but very few mention drilling a hole in a bottom which I have always been told to do. Also one person mentioned putting them under a grow light to help with the drying and other places say a very dry, warm dark place with lots of ventilation. I have some beautiful gourds I will be painting (I mean using as subjects for paintings) and would love to keep using them if I can dry them. I am in Zone 5-6, a fairly wet area, not a lot of sunlight this time of year. I do have a kiln I can keep them near for warmth, I have a daylight lamp. Just not sure which way is best. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Here are some pictures of them, they might not even be a viable variety for this. (please ignore the mess, we are still moving in to the house).

Thanks, Susie

Thumbnail by susied
(Zone 5a)

There are many ways to dry gourds and just as many books but the best way to decide how you want to dry your gourds is to try different ways. I would suggest that you experiment on ones that you really don't care about. You can also try to talk to someone in your area that has had success in drying gourds, I hope this helps.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Makes sense that it would differ in different zones, etc. Top o' the fridge always works well here (also dry my seeds there).

Norwalk, CT(Zone 5b)

Okay thanks! Everyone here tells me to Shellac them so I'll try it.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I am trying to dry some do you drill a hole in them ?
thankyou Carol

(Zone 5a)

I don't think that would be a good idea.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Thankyou, I have mine under my grow lights how long will it take ?

(Zone 5a)

I have no idea, I have never dried mine that way. I usually scrap my gourds and every other day I wipe the moisture off with a towel then turn them, they dry faster that way. This method works best on mature gourds, I have tried it on my small swan gourds only to have them cave in.
The best advice I can give is to read about all the different ways of drying gourds and pick one.

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