Onions and Garlic...plant now?

Willits, CA(Zone 8a)

I noticed onion and garlic sets at the local farm supply this weekend.
I know you can plant garlic now to harvest next year sometime?
What about the onions?
I've only planted spring and summer crops before but I have a great garden site, manure and compost available and would like to try some winter crops.
I'm thinking that if the farm supply is selling them, it must be okay to plant them now. Is that correct?

I would appreciate any helpful hints as this is my first attempt at fall/ winter planting.


Forestville, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Becky
Any time over the next month is a good time to plant garlic and onion sets.
I plant onion sets for green onions and i use onion plants to produce dry onions. Talk to your nursery people & see if they are going to have any Onion plants available. Plants seen to produce better dry onions than sets do but I did get some fairly good onions from sets that I didn't get around to pulling for green onions. I plant Walla Walla Sweets and Copra plants. Walla Wallas only keeps a couple of months but the Copra are good storage onions.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Becky, this should be a good time for onion planting. The sweet onion Texas 1015 got its name from the practice of planting on October 15th. I've just put some *seed* for 1015's into the ground as a experiment...may be a futile effort as onion seed is not known to hold viability very long and this seed was in last year's order. But worth a try.
San Antonio
Zone 8b, Heat zone 9

Louisville, KY

Shoe mentioned that it was garlic planting time. He also said that you could sometimes get a good buy in the produce section of the grocery at times. I just came from Meijer's where they had eight large heads for one dollar. I plan to plant most of the cloves. They can be used like scallions to season dishes.

Willits, CA(Zone 8a)

I never thought of planting the cloves from the store.
I got mine from the farm supply....they look just like the ones from the store.
It's supposed to rain for the next 10 days...I don't know when I'll get them in the ground.

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