okay starting a veggy garden

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i want something thats simple to take care that i wont kill . something that isnt going to take up the whole yard either. did pumpkins one year. learned my lesson to stick to compact veggies.

suggestions please? any for pots are all for ground. thanks

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

I'm relatively new to veggie gardening, too, and I planted some peas this year that were fool proof! I got some 'Little Marvels" seeds from an online catalog and planted them along a section of fence I set up in the garden. They grew like crazy - and I really didn't spend much time watering or fussing over them. I planted them in early spring but I think you can grow them in the fall too, because they like cool weather. Maybe it is not to late for a little fall planting in your zone?

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