Stories to tell

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Many of us will have so many funny stories to tell between the Brits and USA and the Canadians especially, I am thinking in particular of these 3 because that is what I know best...When we arrived in Canada [ this was early 60s] there wasn't a lot of Brits and none of the stores, and pubs, and newspapers and food and restaurants the way there are now...that came much later on....but it is the difference in speech and expressions and our differences in language and trying to interpret...I remember not being in Vancouver, BC. Canada that long [ a newcomer]..I was working in an office, and one particular day one of the engineers came in and asked me for some ''choc'', well, I pondered for a few [ not wanting to appear stupid] and finally asked him if he meant he says I need some choc...well, I finally asked him what he meant by choc and he said, you write on a choc board with it..[blackboard]...oh I said you mean CHOORRRK [chalk] yes he said I need some choc !!!!!! I giggled for the longest time but still felt like the village idiot...

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I wish these people would talk proper like!! ...:-) it's always embarassing when you can't understand someone, and have to keep asking 'pardon?'

It's words like pants,(knickers here, trousers USA) ,and I'm sure there's a load more words too that have different meanings.

My daughter had a smashing boyfriend once, who was originally from Jamaica, but had lived most of his life in NY. I used to have to listen very carefully to what he was saying, and very often I would have to spend a few minutes mulling it over in my mind what he ment...then I'd reply. I'm sure he thought I was a bit slow.

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

that is funny Sue..wish theyd talk proper like too...back in those days, I used to get so embarressed and would blush very easily, so I know I was sitting there looking beetroot red...dear knows what he thought probably that I was the village idiot !!!
[it is funny how you remember these things in such detail, but I remember blushing and trying so hard to appear intelligent] smile.. :›)

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It's hard to look intelligent when you're mind has run to mush..
it's a bit l;ike that in noisy bars/parties etc (not that I've been to any in yonks) but I can't distinguish what people are saying, the noise level is fine, it's just that the words seem to jumble, so I just stood there smiling and nodding yes, in what I hoped were all the appropriate places.
Goodness only knows what i was nodding to.

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

How many of us have stood and nodded and haven't had a clue what was being said [ and like you...what where we agreeing to ?? ha]
Talking of pubs, going back those many years ago, we were in a pub a group of friend who had the strongest GEORDIE accent was talking to this lady, here she is telling him that she loved his accent and that he sounded just like this announcer from the BBC...well you can imagine..we were all creasing ourselves with laughter, our friend laughed the most I think, and repeated that story a lot......

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I wish more presenters would have regional accents sometimes, they all sound as if they come from the same mould.
A story in our family that keep getting repeated is my hubby keeps getting told he looks like Sean Connery, and he loves it, and doesn't he tell anyone who'll listen...time and time again!!
i think he looks more like John Cleese myself.

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

I am about to turn in but needed a good giggle thanks Sue...[ john cleese indeed]

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

really don't know how to answer that one about john cleese v sean connery but if you want to stay on your hubbys good side Sue I think you'd better make it with SC [ not realy a toss up there ha]
Actually you are right about the ''toffee nosed'' announcers [ my hubbys choice of words] I know when we got the BBC America channel about 5 yrs ago, nice to see a lot of the Irish, Scottish and different parts of the UK represented...except for the announcers on our US format which leaves a lot to be desired...will not comment further...I just remember growing up when they were very much admired all around the world..[I call them from time to time...their programming is awful..most of it..where do they get their sitcoms from..and who is watching this rubbish ?] still, their programmes have started to improve a we can live in hopes....

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