The Rhubarb Compendium/Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

Louisville, KY

The Rhubarb Compendium is a collection of rhubarb information from many sources. It contains almost anything you ever wanted to know about Rhubarb. I hope you will enjoy this and book mark it as a favorite.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the link . .been wanted to plant some and wasn't sure how to get started. . This will be a big help. Do you grow it? Any 'tried and true' hints? (Anyone?)

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

My rhubarb plants were chopped off somebody else's big plant with a shovel. I dug a hole about 3 times the size I needed to plant it, added some old horse manure, mixed in some of the soil and planted it in the fall. I covered it with a flake of straw and forgot it until the weather started to warm up in the spring, uncovered it and there were some wrinkly leaves looking for a place to go. Every fall after the plant dies down from frost I put a few shovelfulls of manure over the top and it sleeps until spring. I water mine about once a week, and they are huge plants now. I have chopped off several starts for other people, with a shovel of course, it worked for me!

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

MaryE. . .I have a friend who has started a patch, but it isn't big enough to share yet. She also has some seeds which I'll probably start with while I'm waiting for a 'shovel full' of her plants. Just don't know anyone else who has any without going and buying it (probably thru a catalog source.) Sounds like you've hit on a successful method.

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