question please on peppers

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

are peppers annuals or perinials??

a friend of mine says her dad used to grow a pea size round pepper that was green then eventaully red and had the bush come back every year. i have no clue to the name and she cant remeber it.

i have never heard of a pepper palnt being a peririnal.

if some are perinals can you name a few for me as hubby likes peppers but hates planting every year. Thanks Marie

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I read an artical about a guy in texas who has had the same pepper plant for five years, When winter comes he takes it inside and puts it under flourscents placed very close to it. He has a few peppers all winter long from it.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Peppers are Tropical perennials if they are hardy to your zone.

One of my favorite growers locally told me that mine will bear stronger after the first year and that I shouldn't yank them out as I tend to do when they frustrate me.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hoy peppers seem to do better than sweet peppers as perennials, But in Jackson you will have to bring them inside during the winter months,

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

I grow bell peppers ("California Wonder") in pots, and the longest I had one is three years. When it got too tall and gangly I cut it back, and it died. Oops.

They make handsome houseplants, and even with no artificial lighting (just a large, south-facing window, in my case) each one can produce one or two small peppers throughout the winter.


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I have a wonderful little cherry tomato plant that not only produces year after, but it also has babies! The babies don't seem to be as productive as the parent, but the 1" peppers are tasty. You can use them green or wait until they turn red. It's a very small plant, so you can grow it anywhere.

imzadi...I'm in the process of drying some seeds from a pepper from the Mommy. Would you like me send you a few?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

oh i would love a few. my addy is in the exchange but if cant find it let me know and will email it to you. i can send a sase if you like also. thanks marie

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