You know you're in trouble when...

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)'re eating a sandwich on a sesame seed bun (in my case: rare roast beef, provolone, bean sprouts, onions slivers and avocado) and you look at the bun and start ogling the seeds! Oh dear lord - we DO NOT need to salvage every seed on the planet!

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)


You're addicted to seed trading... and getting seedier!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Oh my seq, you sound like my mother! Only she is more into rooting cuttings and when I prune anything she follows me around and gathers every twig and tries to root it.....

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I see nothing wrong with her behaviour... (But, please, oh pllllllease do not give me any new addicitons!)

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

LOL, be very careful.....

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

My boyfriend keeps telling me to stop 'molesting' the plants wherever I go, 'cause I'm always collecting seeds. ie: shopping malls, gas stations, repair shops, doctors' complexes, resturants (even at Mickey D's) etc...

And keep your eyes on the _road_ if you're the one who's doing the driving!!

Just make up an excuse to use the restroom there and do a turn around; make sure you don't stop for the seeds first. Take a couple of napkins on the way out from the restroom; and then get the seeds in the napkin on the way to the car. Buy a soda or coffee too, this will make you have to 'use' another facility where you'd like to look at the plants. (wink) ; ^ )

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Hey, ya know, I'm beginning to think I'm really ok!

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Just watch out for those poppy seeds on your buttered morning rolls!

They can make beautiful flowers ya know. Check it out here:

Opium Poppy, Breadseed Poppy, Lettuce Leaf Poppy (Papaver somniferum)

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Hey! I have those seeds in a packet...don't tell me I really could have planted my bun! Things just keep getting better! How did I ever survive w/o DG???

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

I have a feeling sequee will be eating a lot of sesame seed buns! What does sequee mean?

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I had a wonderful cat - the most beautiful, long and lean tuxedo you've ever seen. She died peacefully in her sleep, at almost 19 years of age, when I was staying in a Motel, waiting for my house to close. When I got into the house I went to the Cat Sanctuary where they have 380 cats - to get a couple of new babies. While I was there they brought in a brand new rescue - the spitting image of my Baby Cakes! So I adopted her and named her "Baby Cakes II: The Sequel" - kind of a mouthful, so it became Sequee. Since Janice Murphy is such a common name, Sequee seemed a good choice for the unique! (Also makes me feel like I'm giving the little guy a tribute. He was killed at 2 years of age when a @#$^@$^# decided to use my driveway as a turn around and ran him over! $1335.50 cents later I had to have him put down because of severe brain damage! Sometimes I REALLY hate people!)

SEEDS - Good God ya'll - does it get any better than this???

San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

Siquee, sorry about your cats. Don't know what I'll do when my obnoxious, pain in the butt cat isn't walking between my feet everywhere I go, constantly tripping me up. He thinks he's a puppy. Kinda grows on you though.

I know what you mean about the seeds. This time of year, my fingers are really itchy. When I go to visit friends and family, I'm never without little baggies and markers. They all think I nuts, especially when I'm trying to figure out what to do with four hundred little seedlings come spring. What fun!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Sequee! I laughed OUT loud when I read your first post!!!! The funny thing is I just arrived back from mailing all my trades at lunch (yours included) and was oogling the Goldenrod, etc etc, growing by the railroad tracks on my way back!!!! LOLOLO! I am sorry about your kitty too! I know how it is when we lose a cherished pet!

Well... got to get back to work - shouldn't be on here anyway... just can't stay off this site!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I know what you mean - I'm not sure if I'm more addicted to gardening or DG! I am so lucky that my boss is the one who got me interested in gardening. Now when I'm on DG EVERY time he walks in I just say, "Your fault!"

Osage City, KS(Zone 5b)

Hey Sequee...... I'm sorry about your pet as well - they really do become members of our family. I had to get a PO Box to keep the mailman from coming down the lane after killing one and severely injuring another. But alas the seeds on a bun...... that's hilarious...... I thought I was getting bad walking the downtown at lunch plucking seeds from public parking areas....... never thought about all the seeds available in the downtown restaurants.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)'re in trouble now! (best not be going in there with your collections baggies!)

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Sequee, so sorry about your pets, I am an animal lover extreme and it saddens me to hear bad pet news.

On a lighter note, don't let sequee anywhere NEAR the rye bread!

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

sniff,...sniff now you're all bringing me to memories and tears!

I lost my 'old man', Tiggy to old age at (19) in 2001.
I took a trip on a family matter; it was supposed to be for only a week; I had to stay a month.
The next day after I returned home; he laid in my lap and passed away peacefully in his sleep.
He was well taken care of by my daughter, who he grew up with his entire life.

I can't get another cat right now, not with the traffic outside.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

You shouldn't feel sad - 19 is a nice long life - and I'm sure you made it a wonderful one for him! Isn't it sweet that he waited for mommy to come home? Can there be anything greater than dying in the arms of someone who loves you unconditionally? We should all be so lucky!!

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes Sequee, you're right. Thanks for all the kind words.

And I feel so sad and sorry for you also; losing your cats the way you did.
We don't bow down and worship them anymore; but we love them the same anyway.
And they do become members of the family.

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

Sorry about your kittie's, it's so hard to loose a good friend! On the lighter side, I've been laughing my head off with these posts, first I ALWAYS carry my little swiss army knife wherever I go, lol, and a small baggie (no not for my dog, lol) for what I might find on my daily excursions!!!! Neighbors yards when walking, my kid's school, the dental office, the hospital, store fronts, parks, nurseries (like home depot) you know just a little cutting, oops, lol, when visiting, oh could I just take a few seeds????
Hey, right off the shelf in grocery store, when you purchase fresh or dried produce try to grow it at home! cucumber, tomatoes, squash, basil, small onions, etc!!!!!
It's a lot of fun, on ( this lady explained how to do that from grocery store finds!

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