Ivan Survivors Please Post Here

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Thank goodness. She was longer than Darius without power. Good she's back.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Yes, I'm ba-ack! What a miserable time. I read 3-1/2 books. Trees are down everywhere and one highway from the town of Cashiers to Sylva, including Western Carolina University, is closed indefinitely.
The top of a large maple broke out and landed right beside my bedroom. That was too close for comfort. Our problem, like darius' was no water. We are both on wells and the pumps are run by electricity. I have hauled an awful lot of water and ice.
My spousal unit rigged up some lights from the car's battery and we bought 12-volt light bulbs, so we could read 2 or 3 hours after dark, but still no refrigerator or freezer. I lost a lot of the blackberries I picked this summer.
But it's over and I'm well and so is everyone else on our mountain. No slides in our neighborhood. One house out on the paved road was hit hard by a tree and I will try to get a photo and show you. I'm sure the house is totaled.
We had 70 roads closed in our county at one time and it is the 3rd smallest county out of 100 in our state. The problem of course, is building roads through mountains. The steep banks make the trees much more vulnerable to falling. This is also true along the rivers and streams.
I hope all of you going to the KYRU have a great time.....

Auburn Hills, MI(Zone 6a)

woodspirit1, glad to hear you are ok,, I bet things are going to be nutty for a while there,, my aunt lives in Cherokee and said it was bad but not to to bad there, but she warned us on our next trip to really plan as so many roads are closed,,

take care !!

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Wood, glad you survived that ordeal and are back with us. Reading is fun but DG is funner!

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Lots of cleaning up to do, but it is so stress-free compared to the 6 days without water or electricity. Here's a funny note: we have had about a week of exquisitely beautiful weather now. I looked out the window at my patio, and sitting on the wall of my pond is a bruggie that was completely wilted due to lack of water! I haven't had to water it all year.
Have you all ever watered a plant and had it shiver all over? That has happened to me twice, the above mentioned bruggie today.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Musta been one thirsty brug, so good your back with us Woodspirit. Can't imagine anything in your area needing a drink that bad after the rain you had. In fact am surprised a plant in a pot is still there. LOL

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

FEMA does assist with roads etc but it has to go through state and local gov't agencies.

I haven't posted much, I've been busy http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/457669/
but I've certainly been thinking of ya'll!!! So glad to see everyone checking in!

Big Hugs to everyone.

Here's a link that might be useful for some of ya.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

So glad to see all these updates...I hadn't had any success on the ham net yet, but sometimes it takes a while depending on conditions and who's on the airwaves. Is there anyone else we're still waiting to hear from?


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

I think Woodspirit was the last. There are quite a few DG'ers in Louisiana and Texas that will feel the impact of "Son of Ivan", but I don't know how serious it will be other than rain and high waves.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks, pati. Don't know if it helps much to know that the load is being shared (in spirit at least)...but HUGS to everyone. Sorry to hear about your blackberries, woodspirit!

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

me, too. At least I hadn't frozen any venison yet. I just hope Ivan doesn't work it's way east again. Right now it is headed northwest but almost all weather fronts work their way east. At least we have had very nice cool and dry weather since Ivan. In fact, it is the longest dry spell we have had this year, which has been very rainy. Now all we have to worry about is Jeanne, egads!

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