Eggplant Yields

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

What is the average eggplant yield? I've been getting about 5-7 per plant, is that normal?

Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

In a season or after two weeks?

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Period...I max out at 6-7 egggplants. Are there varieties with a higher yield?

And, since I have you - can I take advantage of you? Do you have a fabulous eggplant recipe for us???

Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

Why not , egggplant is my favorite dish. Soon I will post dishes made by egggplants. In Asia we use chilies , but in USA , Europe and Canada people like light chilies in their foods. Chilies are the best for pains of joints and also save us from Cancer.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Sequee; 5-7 eggs per plant is about average for me for the large America (Black Beauty) types. The Asian eggplants like Ichiban may go several dozen. In general the smaller fruits have greater numbers. There is a Thai pea eggplant which I would expect to compete in numbers with a cherry tomato, but I have not not yet grown it.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Thank you for the info, of course now I will have to rush out and get some Thai pea seeds! Good God there's no stopping her!

This year I grew Dusty, Blue Marble, Purple Blush, and Crescent Moon and they all yielded about the same. In fact, last year my bambinos and easter eggs were in that same ballpark, but those were grown indoors overwinter, so i expected the yield to be low. Glad to know I'm "normal".

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Hey Farmerd! i just pulled this up on the Internet...think I'll take a pass!

pea eggplants = baby Thai eggplants makua puong = makheau phuang Notes: These tiny Thai eggplants are quite bitter. They're sold in clusters and look like large green peas. You can find them fresh in Thai markets, or buy them pickled in jars. Substitutes: Thai eggplant (larger, not as bitter) OR English peas (For looks only; these have a completely different flavor.)

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Sequee. Wish you could add pictures and comments to the plants data base for the cultivars you grew. It is kind of lonely in the eggplant section.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Sequee, I grew Eggplant for the first time this year. 'Lavender Touch' was the variety and they are not as big as others but the plants have been putting out all summer. It's funny I had some in the garden and 2 in containers - the garden ones put out earlier but are 'pooping' out earlier. The container 2 are still pretty plants and producing like crazy! Anyway, I have a pic of the fruit in either my journal or trade list (can't remember which.) They are tender and good but I am the only one in my family that likes them so I ended up giving quite a few away!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Farmerd - Don't think I'll make it with photos this year, but I can try to add the cultivars and notes. I still have Blue Marble, Dusty's and Crescent Moon on the vines, but my camera is on loan for the NASCAR race this weekend. If the garden survives this weekend's monsoon, I'll try to capture my somewhat bedraggled babies on film!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Sequee - absolutely NO mentioning allowed of NASCAR here! LOL ;0) I have to hear enough of that at home!

--if you wonder why, check out the city/town where I live LOL,LOL, etc etc -

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Beautiful photo NC. Those EP's look on the small side, in keeping w/Farmerd's "the smalle the eggplant, the bigger the bounty". I know this is a ridiculously anal question, but did you weigh them? I'm just curius - in all honesty, even my easter eggs only produced about 8 plants (but I understand that's pretty good for winter/indoor gardens).

Hope I can improve my production to match yours!

Wanna trade some Kelloggs Breakfast Tomato seeds for some Moss Curled Parsley seeds?

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

I would love to! I like to grow Parsley for the butterflies.. I will throw in a few of this Eggplant too - I have a few seeds left from last year's packet. You can try them out!

I did find out later in the season that I had been picking them a bit early - the packet says they will get 8 inches long. I have a few more still on the plant - I will try to remember to weigh one!

I will mail your seeds out on Monday - no hurry for me though - I just have a couple of other trades I am getting together this weekend already. I got your address off the address exchange - mine is there too!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Fabulous! Are you interested in a few seeds from a couple different eggplant varieties, as well?

Monday's good for me, too - I done ran out of this week!

BTW, if you're family's not big on eggplant, you might want to try Eggplant Stackers: A slice of eggplant, topped with a slice of onion, topped with a slice of tomato, topped with a slice of chicken, topped with shredded cheese. Stick it all in the over and bake at 350 for about 40 minutes. I used to tell the step-kids they didn't have to eat the eggplant, just eat the toppings that they liked. Before long I found that they were all eating everything...ya neva know!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Sure thing! I am always up for something new to grow! Receipe sounds interesting too!

I have a couple items for you already - had to hurry before the 2 yr old arrived - look at my trade list and see if you see anything you would like to have! I will check again Sunday before I go back to work.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Do you like surprises? I do, so I often get mixed packages (ie, one eggplant packet has Blue Marble, Crescent Moon, Purple Blush and Black Beauty), so you never know what's going to pop up! Does that work for you or would you prefer ones that are id'd? I have some bambino seeds that grow the cutest little purple EP - great for kabobs. Also have some specialty Italian and Asian. Do you want to pick or should I surprise you?

I'd like a few Yellow Currant Tomato seeds as well. I don't have my trade list on file yet, but I have a spreadsheet on the computer in my office. I'll e-mail that to you on Monday and see if there's anything you'd there like to trade for.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Eggplant mix sounds cool! I did that with peppers this year and it was fun! I will be glad to send Yellow Currants - very prolific plants! I couldn't keep up with picking them this year!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

NC - My package is going to a day late(r) shipping. I'm in the processof having kittens at the moment so I'm playing Hookey today! (The parsley packet is sitting on my desk!)

Thanks for your patience!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Not a problem! Won't be planting until spring anyway!

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