Stella d oro bulbs

Rock Hill, SC(Zone 7b)

Can someone give me a good safe way to store Stella d oro bulbs over the winter? Either indoor or outdoor will be fine.
Thanks, Bud

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi BudF...

You could just go ahead and plant them in your area and they'll winter over just fine.

However, I'm wondering if you just dug up a bunch and want to preserve them for planting/selling/etc next year. If so, keeping them in boxes in your garage or other non-freezing area will be a good place for them. (Might want to check them from time to time though to make sure they are not molding or, at the other end of the spectrum, becoming overly dry and brittle.)

I bet you will also get quite a few more opinions, options, and techniques in the DayLilly Forum. Repost over there and let's see what responses we get.

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