Bushel of Peppers

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Picked these California Wonder's today. Had stuffed peppers tonight, yummm!

Thumbnail by Big_Red
Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

B_R, are those pretty peppers bigger than a quarter? Because mine are smaller than and they are definately California wonders! : )

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

O.K. daisy, I'll come clean, I put the big ones on the top!

Seriously, I've had pretty good luck with them this year, peppers seem to do well here in KY. This is the 2nd bushel I've picked off 30 plants, most of the 1st were of this size, many of these were smaller, about the size of a peach.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

They are beautiful.

"smaller, about the size of a peach." Now you are showing off! hehe

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, o.k. a small peach! I've never been known to brag you know! Hehehe

Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

Big Red,
They look so good! What are you planning to do with them? (the ones you didn't stuff and eat)

Daisy, I grew out some "Yellow Cal Wonder" seeds from a round robin - don't know if they were extras from a store package, or if they were saved from a yellow pepper. Either way, they were all substantially sized (as long as my hand, heel to fingertips) but kind of flat shaped. I chopped and froze a bunch and still had some to add to my tomato sauce I put up. You might try the yellow variety next year...


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Red you did add picture to PDB right? That is a pretty crop of peppers. Cal wonder is just the right size for stuffing. Does pretty well in my favorite too, Sirloin tips with brazed bell peppers and Vidalia onions.

Eileen. You have any pics of those Yellow Cal Wonders?

Louisville, KY

Great harvest of Peppers, Red! It is so easy to save these by washing and cutting into rings and freezing on a cookie sheet in the freezer; then, bag them up once they are frozen. You can then use them in salads, sauces, etc.
Looking forward to seeing you in Berea.

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

eileen, all chopped and frozen, we got 18 quart size Zip Loc bags out of these for a total of 29 bags to date.

Farmerdill, yup, already done!

Thanks Gary!

Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

29 quarts! That's some good eating, this winter. I only managed to save ONE quart, we keep eating the rest as they ripen.

Farmerdill, no I didn't take pics of the yellow Cal Wonders, because the seeds came in an unmarked pkg in a round robin. It's possible they weren't true Cal Wonder seeds.

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