yellow pepper seeds gave green peppers

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Last winter I saved the seeds from a yellow bell pepper and a red bell pepper. I planted them this spring and they've done well...except that all 6 plants (3 red, 3 yellow), produced only green peppers! (I left them on the plant for a while after they were full size, since I read that the difference b/t a green pepper and a red pepper is 10 days) Not one streak of color, just pure green. So, how do I know if the seeds I collect from the food I buy will be the same as the parent? TIA, Tamara

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Most of the seed from supermarket peppers is of hybrid cultivars. That should not be a major problem in your case. I f there is a green when ripe pepper I have not encountered it, so as your green peppers ripen they will turn either red or yellow. Some of the yellows will be more yellowish in the immature stage. The image is an example of Yellow Belle

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Yep...they should eventually change colors, Tamara. I'd give them more than ten days though for some varieties. And yes, as Farmerdill said, most grocery store food is more'nl likely a hybrid. (Shop at your local Farmer's Mkt...that way you can ask them more about the foods and get positive answers.)

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Thank you, Farmerdill and Horseshoe! I will leave the peppers that are currently growing on the plant until frost threatens (which, hopefully, is about 5-6 weeks away). *crossing fingers* Tamara

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Farmerdill, I looked at the picture you sent and the leaves and peppers have small brown spots all over them. Do you know what they are? My dahlias have those same spots. Are dahlias and peppers the same family? Come to think of it, I have a Rudbekia that has them too?????? Jeanette

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Jnette. My eyes are getting so bad I hadn't noticed them. So I went out to the pepper patch for a close up view. Plants are quite healthy and really loading on the peppers now that the waether is cooling. There is some small insect damage on the lower leaves and Frances plattered a liitle dirt on the low hanging peppers but they clean up nicely. It could be splattered sand that shows in the picture. Anyhow Peppers are one pretty trouble free plant for me. I have never had insect or fungal damage to the extent that I had to resort to insecticides or fungicides. I am traditional not organic, so I will use them when I need them, but never needed them on peppers.

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