What did you do on Sunday?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I went to Danby yesterday, on the North York Moors. The Festival on the Moors was being held at various locations on the moors. A 10-day festival of folk music. Goes on for another week.

Yesterday's offering was at the Moors Centre, at Danby. It was perfect! Wonderful weather - bright sunshine and blue skies with occasional white fluffy clouds. Hot too! Various stalls with local farm produce. And excellent acts. A drum workshop, morris dancers, musicians and storytellers. All in a beautiful location overlooking Danby Dale of the North York Moors. Day trips don't come much better than this!!!!!!!


This message was edited Sep 6, 2004 6:43 AM

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

LOL you beat me for an enjoyable sunday pasttime!! That sounds really good

What did I do Sunday? erm.... assembled a large flatpack 'coffee' table ;) What fun LOL

I have a rather vast collection of magazines on gardening, wildlife and photography subjects so, rather than put them away in a cupboard never to see the light of day, I've bought a ridiculously expensive table to house them in the living room, so they're not "out of sight, out of mind" and will get dog-eared as they should

You'll see from the photo I'm a bookworm as that's the smallest of my 5 bookcases in the background!

Thumbnail by philomel
El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Well, that is why your photography is so good Philomel, and I do agree with you about displaying your lovely books...
Years ago when I was so passionately involved with the old roses [ or antique roses] I think I must have bought every book from Gertrude Jykel, Graham Stuart Thomas, V. Sackville-West, Constance Spry, to all the new hybridizes [David Austin, Peter Beales etc..] sorry to say I do not even dust them now...most of them are stored away in one of our spare bedrooms on bookshelves [gathering more dust]..one of these days I may just donate some of them to the local library, and just keep a few..Neither of my daughter in laws have any interest, and altho I tried to get Sarah my grandaughter interested [ had a secret garden for her here] alas, she doesn't show much interest either [ her dad does thank the Lord and we share a lot, our oldest could care less really...I think he would concrete his garden in if it were possible]..the neighbours might object ha...
I do not like to see gardens full of cactus and rocks, [ pebble kinds] just a preference I guess for me.. i love flowers and plants..
The past 12 yrs has been devoted to ''Tropicals'' so I do read the books very often..I guess these are just some of the changes you make as you start getting older and try as I may to re-create the ''white garden'' at Sissinghurst...the only real success I had were some of the white species roses which almost gobbled up my cedar trees...[ had to be removed] you would be amazed at how many people try to re-create Sisinghurst gardens over here..especially the white garden [ it is lovely tho], but do yu know something there is something about English gardens that cannot be re-created here in these United States...try as people might...they are just unique to the Brits...[and British gardeners]
anyway, that is another of my little stories...I do go on so.....
Northerner, you sounded like you have had a wonderful day, I can picture these events..does this sound trite but I/we really enjoy watching some oldies like Miss Marple and Midsummer Murders, really enjoy the countryside and the lovely cottages and villages etc., the scenery is so lovely, and this is what my husband and I enjoy the most when visiting...We stayed with a vet once [B/B] who did his training with Mr. ? White who was the actual vet in ''All Creatures Great and Small'' we got his address but felt very reluctant to visit as he had retired and was living very quietly in the Yorkshire Dales [somewhere] that is the lovliest countryside, I have some friends here who had never ever left the south of England to travel up North..one girlfriend [her daughter only visited Scotland last year], they fell in love with Inverness [?] after watching the TV weekly programme ???? oh well it may come later......Yes, Monarch of the Glen [ we knew that area so well].....but then we visited Scotland very often...
Much success for tomorrow Tuesday [holiday weekend here so I really am having problems getting the days squared away], however,with not being used to pain medication or sleeping pills, the effect is awful, really trying to wean myself off them...never take medication under normal circumstances.....do not know which is worse....m

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Ah - sounds as if you and I can say snap for a lot of our books peterson!
Also, when in the UK, we lived 40 minutes from Sissinghurst and I visited since childhood. When we first went we'd see V S-W sitting reading her newspaper by the tower, and Harold Nicholson would wander out to join her with their Alsatian. Now of course it's run by the National Trust. It's lovely still, but hasn't got the same intimate feeling as I remember from those visits as a child.
I think that is where my love of old roses may have started.
Shortly before leaving the UK I was involved in some bat surveys there and got to know the manager. She was lovely and invited us to go at any time, so I did take advantage of visiting a couple of evenings when the general public weren't there. What bliss on a June evening!!!!

Mmmm I love the Yorkshire Dales too. Fantastic that you knew a vet who trained with.....
I have a friend who is an RSPB warden for reserves just north of Inverness. It's a wonderful spot. In fact I loved the Black Isle where she lives so much that I was seriously considering moving there before the France idea gelled.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Northener, sounds like you had a fun day Sunday. Your weekensd always seem so full.
We went to a rose supplier near us to buy a special rose for our friends, but they were shut that day as they were at the Dorchester show!!..So hubby consented to take me to the garden centre (doesn't happen very often) to spend my vouchers that a neighbour had given me for seeing to her house and cats over the summer hols.
I bought a beautiful purple grass, and found some plants half price, Gaura , a beautiful dwarf pink one, and a couple of different crocosmias, still flowering, so I was well chuffed.
then hubby and daughter went to play cricket, so I had all afternoon and early evening to myself, bliss...
i took a rug, a load of books , and just lazed on the lawn, had a couple of splashes round the pool to cool off every now and then.Ate dinner on the patio, it was warm and sultry, the smell from the lilies was heaven, sat out there until the gnats drove me in.
Got Jazz's stuff ready for her first day at a new school, then a warm bath, bed with a book.
love the coffee table Philomel, good idea, I have all mine stashed away in lots of different places, as you say though, they should be out and available.I do often re-read them when I come accross them again. Especially if I've started a new collection of plants .and one of the articles is more relevant!!
You sound as if you've travelled a fair bit peterson(sorry, can't remember proper name:-( ) I can sympathise with you about the meds, I dropped the sleeping tablets after 2 days, couldn't function at all with them, now I just take the painkillers as and when really neccessary. My doc couldn't understand this, but after seeing a programme about addiction to painkillers, I'm glad that this is what I've done.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Your Sunday sounded good Sue :)
The plants sound lovely. I'm sure your neighbour will be pleased to know what great things you found
How did Jazz's first day go?

I agree about meds - the fewer the better. But I've been lucky and don't have ongoing problems. It must be a very difficult balance

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

I hear you Sueone about the meds, good for you having the sense not to take them...I haven't for years but was in so much pain it was agony, so I am afraid that I just threw caution to the wind as it were [ I actually mean I did not care] and I was really taking too many..however, am now using my mind and being more sensible about it...one of my oral surgeons did warn me that the drugs were narcotics, and habit forming [ also read later to reduce them gradually] I did not I just stopped them but getting a new prescription for new ones...I went two days without taking any and I was just barely able to tolerate the pain...However, things should start looking better soon, I am getting a new prescription for anti-biotics too [not healing too well]...I normally do not take those either but there is a time and place and I will take extra pro-biotics to balance it out.....Most of my doctors are holistic or natural medicine, I switched years ago after almost being poisoned by our health provider.
I was not able to pull your picture up of your new coffee table Philomel, only the smaller picture [ it did look lovely what I could see of it]...this is the problem with webtv..however my sweet son Shaun got my lap-top and printer all set up for me, but I felt so ill I could barely understand what he was talking about...as I do not see the boys that often [ and they do visit as much as they can] He just wanted me to have as much information as possible [I really wanted to go to bed and sleep] Had already cancelled out for them being here over the holiday weekend [ Shaun stayed 3 days, it was lovely seeing him, but I hate feeling like this] He also gave me one of his cameras so that I can post pictures once I get the hang of it, but I have not even looked at the lap top since he left, I only know the glare was hurting my eyes [ I know it can be ajusted] and I have had constant headaches [ like someone had tried to bash my skull in..not kidding] this is since the surgery...I do get a lot of migraine headaches, so I think a combination of both [ the surgery was 3 hrs long, and he [surgeon] just drilled and drilled through my upper and lower jaw [bones] so I guess I should not be that surprised...I just say this to explain why I am not doing much of anything right now, I will as I feel better get myself organised and find out what to do...I have your instructions philomel, so no excuses and I am looking forward to the day when I can be more involved...
Also Philomel, what a lovely time you must have had visiting V.S.Wests garden at Sissinghurst, and without the tourist around and when it was a proper home, and lived in...For many years, we were members of the National Trust in the UK [Scotland also]..because we have been gone so long, there was so much that we have missed, so this was the perfect way to see all the old [National Trust] gardens, plus the stately homes, as my husband was very interested in antiques...I will forever remember that gorgeous china at Chatsworth [ I used to collect china/porcelain years ago] and still am very fond of it...However as my sister pointed out recently she too has found that as she is growing older, all the things that used to be of such great interest to her/us is now waning, so I guess this is just part of life....I do know the past few years with having been so ill has taken its toll on me, and I do hope that when i do recover [ I am planning to] that I can recapture a lot of the interests I used to have..[ I may have mentioned sometime earlier that my hubby took an early retirement so that we could do more travelling and really enjoy it...so much for that] However, the plans of mice and men !!!
I have learned not to take so much for granted....[and to be more grateful and thankful] Quite a learning experience this !!
Well, this is Northerners BIG DAY so will look forward to hearing from her....
The hurricanes from down south [Mexico and South America] are sending up lots of very hot humid air, fortunately with the Pacific ocean being so cool the hurricanes do not make it up here, only a couple of them in the last 50 years, but we are gasping in this humid heat !!! [ not complaining mind you with all of the treacherous weather going on over here in different states, we do not have the right to complain] take care everyone, marion

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, been thinking of you Diane and hoping today has gone well :)

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I do understand about being in so much pain that you don't care what you throw down your throat, just that it goes away. Luckily though, the pain now is bearable.I really feel for you. It's not until you've been in that situation that you realise how it affects evry facet of life, especially things like family visiting, being able to enjoy it, instead of getting through it. hopefully things will look up for you soon. Then when I see what's happening in parts of the world, I thank my lucky stars that I live the life I do.
On a happier note hope Diane posts here soon how it went. I was thinking of her yesterday.
Jazz enjoyed her first day, sounds like she has a couple of fun teachers, her and her friends though were shocked at the amount of kids that were smoking on the school fields!!..hope that it stays that way!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello everyone! Thank you for all your kind thoughts! My viva went okay I think. Of course, there are things I wish I had done better... Think I've passed though. The results come out at the weekend. My knees are knocking.

I have a pile of housework, not to mention a garden that resembles a jungle. But I can't sit still and get down to them. Been out to the countryside to relax instead and take my mind off it. Yesterday I went to the beach - Redcar and Saltburn, and enjoyed walking on the sands. The sea was as blue as blue can be! Lovely!!!!! I visited a park that I'd never been to before and found a rose garden with lots of lovely roses!!!!! I came back with a beetroot (my nose!!!!!!).

Today I think I'll head out for Great Ayton and treat myself to an icecream at my favourite icecream place, Suggitt's Ices!!!! See you all later!!!!

Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

No Pictures of the lovely English Roses, Northener? Is that the famous ice cream parlor that you and Terry talked about earlier on another thread?
I belive you knees are knocking , but I know you'll be OK just don't worry too much or your BP will go up, so take care.

And talking of Terry, where is she??? I am beginning to wonder if she is OK. ((hugs)) Maria

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

So pleased you have survived :)
Good luck with those results - bet you've done well, you've worked hard enough!

Have a lovely day. We need a description of those ices please *g* (wish it could be a taste lol)

Then you'll be all set up and ready to tackle those tasks gently a bit at a time :)

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Northerner, can you remember getting lucious ice-cream [cornets they were called]from the sea side with bits of crunchy ice in them, my husband and I often talk about this place called ''Johnsons Dairy'' [our hometown] we would make a beeline on our way to school...all homemade ice cream, and the taste was so incredible, all we have to do to this day is to talk about it and we can taste it immediately..[ know we are years older than you young ones]......... Am sure you did just fine this week so stop worrying about it and just enjoy the time you have right now..[ and while the weather holds] m

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello everyone! Still waiting for those results.

No pictures, sorry, no way of uploading them right now. Need a new computer. :(

Enjoyed my ice-cream (I had a 99) at Suggitt's. Must be my age - they seem smaller than I remember. Taste was just as good though! Great Ayton is one of my favourite places, used to go there often with my places. It still feels slightly strange being there without them. Seven years since my last visit with my father, also on a hot day. Yesterday I had a light lunch, then went for a stroll down by the riverside. Sat on the riverbank awhile and listened to the sound of the river gurgling over the stones. Very soothing. Went to Suggitt's for my ice after that, then walked along to Low Green. Sat in the sun there for a bit, then off to the pub for a drink then home. Lovely day!!!

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

what is your favourite drink Northerner, mine used to be either [a] larger and lime or [b] apple cider [ to quench that thirst]...apparantly I am in good company as I read that William [HRH] is extremely fond ot the stuff and it has acquired new popularity and status....glad to hear you had such a good time, I remember those places you visit..not vividly mind you, but my mom used to take me to so many,I think I mentioned that earlier... I am off to the clinic to visit my Maxillofacial surgeon...could not make it last week had to cancel, not feeling great actually still quite miserable but must make the effort today.. If I am not mistaken Northerner do you have the migraines ?...me too but mine has taken a turn for the worse after this surgery, worse than I have ever experienced..every day..so must tell him about it as I have not mentioned it yet...not sure he can help me there...don't like all that medication and it does not seem to help.
Our weather is still very very humid, a lot of disturbances in our weather, it did rain in the desert and mountains and yesterday I think the hottest day so far... was in a stupor, could not seem to stay awake, but people are having such a horrendous time with those hurricanes..must get going now..cheers.m

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm a tea-drinker!!!!! Drink oodles of the stuff.

Sorry to hear about your migraine. Yes, I did get them at one time, but not for many years now. Gave up coffee - that seemed to put an end to them. Food and drink can be triggers, also stress.

I'm off to Teesside uni in a few minutes to collect my results. Hope they're pinned up on the board!!!!! I should have done housework today but couldn't settle - plus we had roadworks right next to my home - the noise of drills was just horrendous.

see you later!!!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)


Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

Just to wish all good things for you, Northener, you are truly a very special person.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you all for your good wishes. Now see my new thread!!!!!

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

many many good wishes to you Northerner..will check out your new thread...
Glad to hear about those migraines, yes, I had to give up a lot of things like aged cheese, anything with vinegar, [coffee yes] and the wine...but drank very little anyways..the old lagers is when we would make a trip to the UK [ and back then..pub lunches] staff would look at us as tho we had lost our minds when we asked for ''iced water''ha..so we figured the next best thing would be shandy's...
My surgeon quite pleased with my mouth [ he does not have this pain tho'] but I do have to use a water pick with powdered Absorbic acid in water [ Vit.C] and rinse my mouth out very well with this [ for healing purposes I guess] so better than anti-biotics any day [ hoping it works of course]...cheers...m

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