MG foliage

Does anyone know why my MG's wouldn't have lots of leaves? I passed a flower stand today and their MG's almost covered their sign. Could it be that they're planted in a pot?

Augusta, WV(Zone 5b)

Very healthy soil encourages thick lush foliage.....did you notice if the vines had lots of flowers or not? Good well drained, but moist soil promotes healthy growth, but usually does not encourage blooms. Mild temps help too.....I've noticed in our area. The vines look ragged when it gets in the 90's or hotter. The mornings of course are when they are at their best.

There are a decent number of flowers. This is the second year I've been growing them. They're in full sun all day. Should they be in part shade? The soild was bagged potting soil and I added timed release food. I'll try to get a photo tomorrow.

Augusta, WV(Zone 5b)

Elsie - If you have blooms then typically the foliage tends to be sparce, not always that way, but my experiences have been like that. Are the leaves yellow? or curly? If so then too much nitrogen in the soil. Let the soil dry out real good and give small amounts of water in the morning. MG's don't like to be watered at night. Also they grow well in pots, so that shouldn't be it. We've had great success growing our morning glories in containers of all kinds, but you do have to water more frequently then if they were in the ground of course. The time release balls will loose their potency soon and don't feed them anymore, this may encourage them. We've found that neglect usually has positive results, LOL. That might help some, but.....everyone has a different method :-)

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Augusta, WV(Zone 5b)

Just a photo to share....

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