roots yet?

Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

I planted cuttings of mockorange with rooting hormone about a month ago. One by one they dried up and when I pulled them up had no sign of roots. There is one left and it seems to be doing well, new leaves and everything. I don't want to damage it. Should I assume there are new roots now? Can I transplant it? It is in a pot but I think it would be happier in the ground for winter. Thanks!

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Sylvi- I would think that in your zone you might need to let it get a bit bigger before you put a teeny baby like that in the ground. I say teeny lol but you actually didn't say how big it is. Apologies. I am assuming its teeny.

With my rooted cuttings, I usually harden them off for another month but that is so they won't get dried out. II am guilty of having at least 6 here from 3 months ago too and that is laziness)

Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

It is pretty small, maybe six or eight inches tall. I'm afraid it will freeze to death in its pot over the winter, but I'm also afraid that it won't transplant well. Maybe I should try to grow it in the house?

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

sylvia if you have a nice sunny spot in the house I think that is probably a good idea!!! I sure would not try to transplant it at the moment, I have killed more than my fair share of new rootings by doing that!!!

Good luck!

Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

I have a garden window in the kitchen. It stays fairly cool and bright. Maybe that would be a good place for it.

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

Sounds like that might be a perfect place, I wouldn't bring it in until you absolutely have to, if we get a warm fall, it might still be able to go in the ground with some protection!

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