Lady of leisure

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Today I finally handed in my dissertation - I only have my viva to do in 10 days' time and I'll have finished this course. I'm going to be a lady of leisure!!!! During the autumn I'll tidy my house and garden and then go in for some voluntary work. If I can't find anyone to employ me I'll seriously consider developing one of my hobbies and go self-employed. Not thinking about it today though - I'm off to relax for the Bank Holiday. Weather's a bit poor but I'll do something. Off to the park now - there's some street theatre on!!!

This message was edited Aug 27, 2004 5:28 AM

Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

I am happy for you, Northener! Have a good time and please report back.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Well done for getting this far, despite your many hiccups along the way. Bet it must feel like a weight off your mind.
get out and enjoy yourself now, not forgetting to take us along on your travels afterwards through your pics and writings.
you seem to have quite a following with people from other lands.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you all! I had a great afternoon at a Storytelling festival. I'm keen to have a go myself before too long!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

You did it! Congratulations! It sure was a long haul, but you finally finished! As Sue says, you have earned yourself the time to take a mini vacation but don't forget to take us with! Now that you have finished your studies at the Uni, hopefully something that you've always wanted to do will come of this!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you all! I had another lovely day on Saturday, went to Helmsley's Walled Garden. All the autumn flowers were in bloom. Lovely! On the way back I picked up a glove puppet of a dragon - it might come in handy if I have a go at storytelling. Weather was poorer on Sunday so I just went along to Nature's World, the environmental centre just along the road from me. Yesterday I simply did housework. This afternoon I'm seeing someone at a local college to see if there's any courses I could be doing this autumn.

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Congratulations Northerner many achievments there, but remember too much work and not enough play... maybe now you can have some extra fun, I love your postings and where you go, It makes me think but Helmsley ?? hmmmm ! cannot pin-point that one yet.... but I can see those lovely flowers, [Autumn already] keep forgetting about Bank holidays until my sister reminds me [ oh how soon we forget] we will be looking for your postings on your future interviews and decisions along the way, you have our blessings, go for it girl. marion

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Marion! Yes, I've enrolled on a course at Middlesbrough College. The start of training as a teacher in FE. A low level course, not too demanding. Pass that and I go on to other stages. It's an evening course so it doesn't interfere with looking for work in the daytime.

Have to pick up things in town today. A lovely sunny day here. I don't want ot be in town!!! I wanna be in the country seeing the flowers and the trees! WAAAAAGHHHH!!!!!

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Don't blame you Northerner I would want to be out looking at the flowers and the trees too...drat it...why is life so unfair ?? you should have been born rich !!!!!!
[ success is just around the corner tho' remember...who needs to be Bill Gaites anyhow.. he has his problems too...ha]
marion [ keep us posted]

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Not long now till I finish this course - have my viva on Tuesday.

Cloudy day here and I've come out without my camera. Have a large washing waiting at home. Wonder if I can nip over to Yarm for lunch...

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

great news!
Good luck for tuesday :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Philomel! I had a pleasant day in Yarm, though I was feeling very tired and strained. Had a light lunch there then went for a walk along the riverside. Bumped into an old schoolfriend too!!!!!! Did a small washing once I got back -still have more to do today - it's built up!!!! Never mind, I had a great day out yesterday - see my new thread!!!!

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