Our Spring '04 veggie garden pics ... II

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

A few pic updates, from what's been goin' on with our garden veggies .... Pic #1

We're still getting Butter Beans .. and tons of more blooms too!

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

What's been goin' on with our garden veggies .... Pic #2

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

What's been goin' on with our garden veggies .... Pic #3

The Christmas Lima Bean plants, with White Velvet Okra to the far right side. The area in
the foreground, will soon be prepared for the Florida Broadleaf Mustard 'green' seed ....

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

What's been goin' on with our garden veggies .... Pic #4

The various t'mater plants are just about pooped out .. only getting about 2 or 3 per day.
But .. looks like I may have some green'uns to chunk something together with!! Fried
green maters are okay . I love them, but just want that one or two lil messes of them - and
that's it, for us ...

The pic also gives another view, of what will be .. the 'Mussard' Green patch!! Mmmm !!!

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

What's been goin' on with our garden veggies .... Pic #5

Yep, folks .. that's 'em weeds, that seems everyone'd wonder'd how we
kept him out of the garden! Heck, they've been there all along .. just hidin' !!!

The corn's done, the Lopes are thru, the taters in 'storage' (hee!), the squash plants
have been pulled up ... and the Roma 'Snap' bean plants are still puttin' a couply or so
bean pods out ... but, are some sparse.

So, here's one more shot .. of where the mustard green seed will go ...
(lookin' thru and betwinx some t'mater stakes)

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

What's been goin' on with our garden veggies .... Pic #6

Blanched some whole okra this mornin' .. to put in the freezer.
Got 'em coolin' fast, in water & ice in this pic ...

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

What's been goin' on with our garden veggies .... Pic #7

I mentioned that we've got our taters in storage already .. and
in the most ideal place that we've got.

Here are our Pontiac Reds (one tray of them anyway) ...

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

What's been goin' on with our garden veggies .... Pic #8

The whole okra .. in the 'chunk-in-with-the-butter-beans-to-cook'
proportioned/sized bags .. ready for the freezer !

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

What's been goin' on with our garden veggies .... Pic #9

Had to scoot the taters back into 'storage'.
Yep, that's the storage place - right under the bed! hee

Haint no better place in the house, or otherwise, to keep them.

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

LAST of .. What's been goin' on with our garden veggies .... Pic #10

Here's a peek at our newest freezer .. getting well stocked !!

Thumbnail by Magpye
Juneau, AK(Zone 5a)

Wonderful photos, Magpye, Here in Alaska, if'n we need to freeze something for the winter, we just put it outside. Course sometimes the polar bears take a bite or two for themselves.

Seriously though, it looks wonderful. How are your maters? Is your season for them about over? We are just starting to get ripe ones now. I know there was a few of them showin on the sink. They look pretty good. What kind are you growing?


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Everything looks great Magpye! Keep up the good gardening, and don't forget to share ;-)

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Just a brief update on our garden .. Pic #1

I procrastinated (again!) .. and so we failed to get our mustard green seed planted.
Oh well ... it's just the way things go sometimes. I'm pooped from gardening .. but do know
that I will definitely be, the one to truly regret my 'put-off'ed-ness' !! .. heeee ..

However, the Christmas Limas are still making quite a few blooms! The 'much needed' rain we got last week, made a substantial difference .. in the beans continueing to make longer! They were about to 'shrivil' up!! Picked about 4 and a half 'walmart bags' of the butter beans on Tuesday morning. Spent all of the next couply hours shelling 'butta beaners' ...

Put 'em in water with plenty of ice until the next morning. Then, fixed a big ol heavy make-you-wanta-go-back-to-bed breakfast (think you can see my 'bibbits' in one pic!) .. but, did manage to blanch and put up 11 Quart bags for the freezer. (And I stuffed them good!!) .. hee hee Ahh, they sure gonna be tasting mitey good come winter time! We'll be fixin' either a pone of cornbread or even better: some 'shush pupplies' (as one of my lil grandgals says it!) > Hush Puppies) .. Oh my goodness .. brang on the winter!
Fixin' to cut firewood and got a ton of butta beans and catfish in the freezer - - we's ready!!

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Last, for now .. .. Pic #2 ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

magpye - for the stuff i took from my garden i could have stopped after one picture. lol. you had a great harvest.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Magpye. There are no pictures of White Velvet okra in the plants data base. It is relatively rare as the present time so a picture would be appreciated in the PDB.

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow Magpye, Looks like you grow for an Army. It is a very nice Garden and I loved the pics. Congrats on the wonderful gardens.

Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

Nice pictures of veggie, you always grow nice and bulk.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Just a lil update .. fer anybody interested ... (heehee)

I'd like say first-off .. that I truly appreciate all of the folks that have taken a lil gander at both of the threads .. for our '04 Spring garden pics and posts. And the many replies, info you've shared, your inquiries, and wonderful comments .. have all, been much appreciated .. and so very kind!
Thank you all, so much ...

Secondly .. our lil garden spots and the big'un, up top .. does indeed produce enuff for us to share with some of our family members relatively local to us. And .. incidentally, if'n we had an 'army' to show up on our front porch - we would indeed have ample 'nuff to be sure that everybody got a least a couply 'good' meals that would include most all of the veggies!! Welllll, x'eptin' the maters, of course! hee However, now that I think about it - I've still got a lil plenney 'canned', left .. from last years garden tho'!! We could eat on fresh t'mater gravy and 'bibbits', or, some mitey d-lishus meatloaf (that I pride myself on) .. or a lil variety of some 'not-quite-spicy-enuff' Salsa, that I'd put up too !!! Yep, I don't reckon anybody'd starve ... Now, thar mite be a wee problem with the 'settin' of all the folks in this 'army' - - but then again, we got plenty of porch space: front and back !!
And one big ol red pic-nicker table out back, to boot ... Hee

Geez, me and the ol coot's all the time finding them fat calories that we thought we'd surely lost - a jumpin' right back on (plus some xtree) .. when we pass by the dangumm kitchen !! .. hee hee .. Figger it must be from 'good eatin' !!! Dang sure haint no risk of either one of us ever being threatened to be 'blown away' by any poofs of wind, anytime soon, for sure!! Ha! Besides, like my Daddy used to always say ... "ever time ya elbows crooks - ya mouth flies open! .. And it is certainly true !!! ... LOL ...

Our Spring garden .. is now officially 'ka-puut' !!

We picked our last Christmas Lima beans on this past Monday evening .. along with whatever few tomatoes, and wee lil bell peppers that remained. We've got a quite a few Christmas Lima Bean seed .. for next year also. We're in great hopes that we have ample enuff seed, to share with the ol Coots Dad and Sis in Louisiana, and a bit to pass on, to an Aunt here in Arkansas. I've indeed, been so very pleased with the growth, production and harvest of these Christmas Lima (butter) Beans.

We'd planted it last year also - but, due to a few incidences beyond our control: we were late in getting the seed into the ground. Excessive heat and bouts of drought which hit us soon afterwards .. certainly put a damper on any favorable harvests, and limited us to only a couple of different 'pickins'. I'm so glad that we gave it another whirl this year .. !!

Also pulled the very last 'hanging' Roma Snap Beans from the vines, to bring in .. to continue drying, for seed use next year!

We've even managed to salvage some of our Golden Bantam Sweet corn seed also!!
Just in hopes of being enuff to use next year. However, hubby's informed me .. that he'd like to go back to the G-90 'hybrid' (I do believe-?) ... Says that he's purtee sure that he pulled some 2 - 4 ears from each stalk from the G-90. (I beg to differ, of course). But, certainly can't argue much about it, with the Golden Bantam producing an average of 1 ear per stalk .. but I believe he's forgetting about the wind catchin' the G.B., and knocking about a 1/3 of the stand, down - just as the tassels had 'ripened', for ear production! !! .. hee hee

If we opt to not use and plant the Golden Bantam next year - I jes figger it'll be a toss up (make that, a 'debate') .. between using the G-90 OR going back to the Peaches n'Cream sweet corn !!! ... That mitey d-lishus also! Ahh, heck may use both, before it's all over and done with! hee hee I'd be just a bit concerned about the 'distance' that we could favorably put between the two varieties .. for I'm relatively sure that they both mature at pretty much the same time.

Am definitely 'planning' on .. paying far closer attention to the different variety/s of tomatoes we'll choose and plant, next year tho'!! And .. will (once again) 'try' .. to drastically reduce the number of cherry/plum t'maters we plant! Just about always plant far too many of 'em!

But, good-ness ... them grandbabies sure do love fetchin' and eatin' 'em tho'! ... Especially our lil 2 and 3 year old grandy-yunkins! It is truly such a joy and delight for us, to watch 'em pick one or two at a time, and pack their lil mouths chocker block full .. with jes one cherry t'mater !! .. They bite, and their mouths are forced to fly open and squirt mater juice and seeds .. all over themselves, along with .. 'who' and 'what' ever happens to be standin' close by! Even the ol P'nut pup's sure got his rightly share of being shot at by them t'mater seed & juice 'over-flowin' babies, too !! .. hee hee hee ..

Again, thanks so much folks ...


P.S. Farmerdill and Terry .. I'm workin' on 'DE-procrastinatin' myseff(hee) .. to get those other veggie pics and info posted into the PD ... As you can tell, it haint one of my lil virtues! .. HEE ..
(.. Jes don't write me off, quite yet .. k? )

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Mags! Just found this thread. So you're a vegetable gardner (duh!) My grandparents always had a big vegetable garden and then we finally had a place big enough to garden as well. My mom put things in the freezer and canned some too. Guess I just didn't catch on because never been able to do it myself! I usually go to the Farmers Market in town and pick up fresh vegetables on the weekend. I did buy some of those tomato planter upside down hangers (or whatever they are called) to see about growing some little tomatoes next year.
My husband and girls just love fried okra so it is usually a staple in our house during the summer months. And another thing -- we love meatloaf and I'm always looking for better recipes. I don't have one myself, just throw everything together like my mom and granny did. Wanna share your recipe with me? :-)

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