What's blooming in my garden...

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

And here's one of my Hoyas

Thumbnail by PanamonCreel
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Milan, they look great, is there room on your balcony for you? Squirrels are great, I love watching them, but they don't come in our yard often because of the dog.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOL.....I remember that feeling Milan. Tho' what you have done with an adult squirrel is truly amazing! They aren't too bad indoors......other than a little puddle on occassion. I'm sure if I looked in the crack in our couches I would find little gifts left from Skrat.

Does your squirrel jump from the top of the chair/couch to your shoulder?

What is the name of your bottom Hoya?

Here is the squirrel we think is Skrat. Unlike other squirrels he chatters at us at a distance but quiets down when we come close to talk to him. He also often lies close to the edge of the shed and just stares at us.

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I'm sorry to read your loses were so huge Milan....but I have a feeling it won't take you too long to replace your favorites.

I must admit tho' I find your buddy to be much more handsome than the ones we have here.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Color me green or purple or something - those passion vine flowers are divine. How do you figure out if it will bloom or when? I am patiently waiting.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

You might have to wait a year if not even 3 Lynn. I have received ones that were at least two year old plants...the first year I got nothing, some bloomed after 2 years and I have some that still haven't bloomed yet. Some are also winter blooming ones......hard to know when yours came from a mixed seed pack. If you see Belotii (my pic) or Lavender Lady (Milan's pic above) for sale grab them.......very prolific bloomers esp. if you want blooms quickly.

I did find they overwinter well in windows and I haven't had problems with pests. The smaller a pot will encourage quicker blooms and keep the vine in check.

I wish someone had mentioned this earlier. The ones I started from seed are beautiful vines, but I put them in wooden planters. They probably have too much room. I took a cutting from one I gave away, so now I have three to overwinter. Me who says I'm cutting back on the fussing and bringing in. Hope these are worth the wait, I think they're caerulea, or something - just an plain Jane variety? Do I cut them back?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I don't cut mine back.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 5a)

Lily and Glenda great garden pictures Lily shoot the squirrel, take him to a taxidermist and he'll last longer. Just kidding.
Lily do you ever get down to Dog River's"Central Gas"? Had to throw that in love that show.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOL....pleased to see you here someradiantpig! My DH goes by the gas station/coffee shop often and a few shows have been shot here in town. We love it too.....certainly depicts small town everywhere doesn't it.

Don't you love the view and where the RCMP hide??? ;)

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Wow, some great gardens and plants "way up yonder"!!! Can't believe what ya'll are growing...way to go!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thanks Weeds........considering the summer we Canadians are having we are pretty pleased too! :D

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