what are good fall crops for my climate?

Cookeville, TN(Zone 7a)

I am trying to find what kind of pants I can grow in the tennessee area this fall, any suggestions?

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

weasel33- can you add your zone to your location (in the prefs)?
We could help better with that info!
; )

Cookeville, TN(Zone 7a)

sorry I thought I added it in there, It should be on there now. please help.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Others may help more, but i can suggest broccoli and many of the lettuces, plus maybe leeks and garlic to overwinter.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Welcome from another Tennessean! If you're looking for warm weather crops you can still sow, some of the short-season squash and beans can still be sown. (Early August means we still have a good 60 days or more until first frost.

If you're looking for late fall/winter crops, turnips can still be sown now, as can the veggies Darius mentioned.

Acton, TN(Zone 7a)

We do (or try to do) a second crop of Andes (Irish?) potatoes (plant July / early Aug.), lettuce, spinach, broccoli (no luck yet), cabbage (no luck), beets, kale, carrots (no luck), lettuce, parsnips, beets, english-snap-pod peas, garlic (June, harvest), onions, fava beans, wheat & oats.

If any one can give some recommendations on Fall Broccoli in this area, I would be eternally grateful. I love but cannot find in stores lately "Romensco" broccoli and been unsuccessful trying to grow.

Not a vegie but fall raspberries have been doing well for us. The locals talk about a edible weed that the old timers cooked like 'greens' (haven't tried & forgot the name).

We plant our winter squash in June / July for fall harvest -- Lots of great varieties avaible. Don't forget the sweet potatoes in spring for fall harvest. Also, remember to feed the asparagus....


This message was edited Aug 8, 2004 2:23 PM

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