AV roundup

Spokane, WA


and no, this isn't yer typical roundup where ya'll come visit me or some such thing. so before i get too far, i best define why i used the term.

roundup: to gather together in one place or location.

ok, make sense yet?

hmm... ok, lemme add this... i got lookin at a link ol msCritter had in one of her posts, and it took me to a forum called 'houseplants'. now, i'm not gonna argue wether AV's are true houseplants or not, nor am i gonna argue whether they might do better as mulch. its just that the thread in the other forum might do better if we got it moved here. seems there were quite a few good ideas on how to keep from mulchin em there, and some of the less experienced, or in my case 'no experienced' folks could learn a thin or two.

which brings me back to the original idea of a roundup. those of you that read this post know of other threads that mainly dealt with AV's. would you, could you submit a request to management, or any other lower diety that can move them?

two ways of doin it, i imagine.

1. send each forum/topic to mgmt n ask to have it moved.
2. post every forum/topic here, n have em all together so mgmt gets only one request.

lemme know what ya think... (just not what ya think of me)

:D Arod

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

Here's one nominee to relocate to this Forum, one that MsCritterKeeper gratiously referenced for me yesterday. :)

It's in the Houseplants Forum entitled "Spoiled African Violet?": http://davesgarden.com/t/424419/

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

You can place your request in the Dave's Garden forum section in it's own thread so he will see it, then depending on how much work it is and if he and Terry think its worth the work they might move it- but you can add a thread in the AV forum with the links you find of AV interest that will link them together incase they choose not to move the threads together. You might call the it "AV Thread Round up"...
Sometimes Terry will move a thread to another forum so that it gets seen? I don't know what critera is used to get them moved..

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