Japanese cuke

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Anyone else growing these?
I need the full name......

Thumbnail by daisyavenue
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

There are many "Japanese" cukes. Most resemble the burpless cukes. ie long and skinny. Unfortunately most of the seed companies today are international including the two major Japanese companies Sakata and Takii. Unless you have a cultivar name or vast experience in growing a cultivar it is very difficult to differentiate between them.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

How should I list it in the PDB then? I have the original tag- would that help to identify the company from the number on the tag? I could just make a new entry under a blanket name of Japanese Cucumber, I guess.

Thanks, FD!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

The tag should help - what does it say?

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

-giggle- Don't laugh, Terry!

"Japanese Cucumber
Matures in 60 days
Produces very mild cucumbers up to 18" long

And the tag is apparently a type 6 recyclable.

I was wondering if the numbers would give a clue- I will go Google them now.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

The second number is its Mastertag #. Dunno what the first one is.

I agree with Farmerdil - it's gonna be really difficult to know what yo've got unless someone can cross-reference that mastertag to a single cultivar.

For giggles and grins, here are some varieties for comparison: http://www.evergreenseeds.com/orcuc.html

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

I think that it is the Suhyo because that is the only one that gets 18 inches long. Should I enter it as such?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Daisy I have grown cukes that grew that long that are called oriential cucumber seems like you may need to get the answer from the seed co. I just picked two tonight that wer as big as those you posted maybe the seed package is still in gh will look tomorrow. Ernie

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

There are entrys in the database under generic names so it probably isn't a major crime. To narrow your search, you can be reasonably assured that a nursery selling under a generic name like grape tomato or just tomato or pickling cucumber has bought the cheapest possible seed. That means open pollinated so you can with some confidence restrict your search to open pollinated cultivars.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

This is the Suyo Long which I bought seeds for, see how they get prickly on the outside? See if your Dave can leave them on long enough to see if they get prickly (grumble grumble) LOL I will get some more pics for you, as I am curious too. I don't think their photo was copyrighted ;-D

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Here is the Satsuki Madori, very rare, with tender skin and few seeds...

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

And fianlly...

Armenian Cucumber
Cucumis melo
12-18 in.

Very attractive, crisp and prolific vegetable. Light green, thin skinned with deep ridges and good mild flavor. Botanically a close relative of the honeydew, this cucumber thrives in hot weather. Grown since the last century. direct seed in garden every 4-6 in. in rows 3-6 ft. apart when danger of frost has passed, or sow indoors 2-4 weeks before setting out. Transplanting must be done gently early in the morning or at dusk with minimal root disturbance for best results.Pick at peak of color.Harvest 2-3 times weekly for best eating

So it seems there is a difference in these three varieties in the skin...

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

After reviewing the pics I posted, I vote for the Satsuki Madori, btw the Suyo Long is referred to by this seed company as a "Chinese" variety.

See photo above, details below...

"Satsuki Madori Cucumber
Cucumis sativus
10"-14" long fruit. Tender Annual

A very rare, Asian variety. Long, slender fruits have tender skin and few seeds. Extremely delicious and never bitter, this has quickly become one of our favorite slicing cukes.
Planting Depth: 1/2"-1"
Soil Temp. for Germ.: 70-90°F
Days to Germ.: 4-12
Plant Spacing: 2'-3'
Days to Maturity: 60-70
Full/Partial Sun
Moderate Water
Pack Weight: 1.5 gr.
~50 seeds "

Now please, tell us how it tastes....mmmm...

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