What Did You Get in the Secret Iris Trade?

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Well Carol, it was nice being in here with you , but I'm outa here!!!

I just got the most wonderful boxes from ZZTOPSOIL!!! I stepped out my front door and there they were sitting by the garage door! Didn't know there was anyone on DG who lives that close by me! I got a bunch of irises (haven't had a chance to see what they all are) and a WONDERFUL welcome box for joining DG! Lelan you are WONDERFUL!!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!!

Edited to say....Carol I hope you get out of that mailbox soon!!!

This message was edited Aug 15, 2004 6:28 PM

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Mee Tooooooo

Danbury, NH(Zone 5b)

Hello Pins2006,

I received your box today, all I can say is wow, you were very generous. I will send pics next year.
I will send my package out Mon. the 23rd, to YTRN.

Linda (bilyn)

Yazoo City, MS(Zone 7b)

Thank you SO much!!
I got a box full of purple, white, yellow and red iris....different varieties too! Looking forward to seeing all the pretty blooms! The foliage is nice in the meantime!
And thank you for hosting this trade!

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Glad you liked them, Yvonne. This has been fun to do.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Thankyou Lois, only one box to go, I got magic bubbles, a pale blue and
bequine. thankyou Lois, one more trade and I can get outta this box.
Thankyou Carol

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Carol, it sounds like you got some beautiful named irises.

Is there anyone besides Carol who hasn't gotten their irises yet? Let me know and I'll email the person to see when they are planning on sending them.

Danbury, NH(Zone 5b)

I will be a little late in shipping the irises.
Thank you for your patience,
Linda (bilyn)

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi ,
Just run across this thread after having a little time to play catch up on posts since our company went back to AZ today.
I have not received a secret traders name yet for the unnamed group as far as I know.
However I had major PC problems and lost all my emails etc.so I can't doublecheck.

Also where is the secret Iris Wishlist that was mentioned .Was one startet? I can't find it ,went back several pages.

OMG don't tell me I messed up somewhere ?
Pins2006 please let me know,

Willamette Valley-OS, OR(Zone 8a)

Maybe this Will Help.

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

ZZTopsoil......thanks :-) so that is were it was !
not under the Iris forum where I searched.......... because I thought forsure I had put something down for my wishlist,which I found.
Wonder why I hadn't put it under my watchlist ?

Have not heard from pins2006 yet .
Pins2006 where are you ? :-))...need your help

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Still here in the box.waiting for un named trade. help I am getting a sore back.get me out of this box!!!!

Danbury, NH(Zone 5b)

I am sorry, my computer died Sunday. I am back, I think!! The trade went out this afternoon.


Willamette Valley-OS, OR(Zone 8a)

Move Over a Little Carol.
You Keep Sitting on My Hand.
(Yes I Snuck in Through the Flap Last Night)
(Hoping for a Saturday Delivery)

Well Mailperson Just Went By the Mailbox and...
She Stuck Her Tongue Out...So...
Waitin for Monday I Guess.
No Secret Iris Trade # 2 Still.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Welcome to the box zz, Sorry about your hand, sorry you are in the box too but nice to have some company. This is Wendy's box so you have to get comfortable with her dh patting your behind occasionally.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

You know, you guys could get alot more iris planted if you crawled OUT of the mailbox. just a little hint....

Yazoo City, MS(Zone 7b)

I got a very nice box today! Many nice big roots!
Thank you Bilyn!
I had a little trouble with the name on the bag tho. Could you tell me what it is?

Danbury, NH(Zone 5b)

Hello Yvonne,
I don't know the names, however they may be old ones. The lady I bought them from had no names on them. They could even be heirloom, (would'nt that be nice!!) I think that is what I wrote on the bag.
The people at Daves Garden will help, I'm sure when they bloom. I hope you can send pictures.


Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

YES! We love pics of Iris! Gives us more ideas....

Danbury, NH(Zone 5b)

Wanda, you are very funny.....

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Good idea Wanda but don't have any iris to plant that is the problem.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hmm. It has been a long time. I know my Secret iris trade box was sent back for address correction & I had to resend it--but that was weeks ago!

Silver City, NM(Zone 7b)

OK everyone. Here is my public apology. I am finally straight with both trades. Wanda and ZZ you have mail.

This is my first year doing a trade and my first time growing any iris other than siberian. Next year I'll be ready for all of it!!

Thanks so very much to Wanda and Yvonne for some really great plants. I'm completely addicted to TBIs!!


Danbury, NH(Zone 5b)

Here is one of my irises. I wonder if anyone knows the name?

This message was edited Aug 31, 2004 5:23 PM

Thumbnail by bilyn
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Looks suspiciously like the classic Honorabile. Height & size of bloom?

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Great --my iris made it to thier new mommy! Enjoy!

Catbird sue--THANK YOU! I have been coveting a neighbor's Jurrasic Park for a long time--now I've got my own! And I love the sweet "Naked" Cupid. Darn--too late to pose with the "Naked Ladies" in my garden.
Maybre next year?

Danbury, NH(Zone 5b)

Thank you Wanda, that sure looks like it. I love this website, you people are so helpful.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Still in box, Wanda's not wendy's are you here zz?

Willamette Valley-OS, OR(Zone 8a)

"Hey Everybody....Mail Delivery"!...
"The Mail Truck Slowed Down".
"I Heard It"!
"They Threw a Package Against the Post"...
"I Could Feel It Back Here"!
"I Know There's Something Out There".
"I'm Gonna See What it is"!

(ZZ Jumps Out of the Mailbox to Grab the Package)

(Veeja3 Says)
"Don't Just Stand There".....
"Who's it For ZZ"?

(Big Smile on ZZ's Face)

"Oh Boy...Oh Boy...Oh Boy"!
"It's From North Carolina".........
"A Lovely Lady Named Lois"!

"Sorry Veeja3...It Wasn't For You".
"Well........I Gotta Go"!
"Bye Veeja3...Have a Great Labor Day Weekend"!
"There's Some Potato Chips, and Cookies
in the Back of the Mailbox"..."Enjoy"!

"I Gotta Get Home Before Dark...
and Open This Box".

"I'm Soooooo Excited Everyone"!
"Oh Boy...Oh Boy...Oh Boy!"

"Oh Veeja3...Almost Forgot...
Here's Your Laptop Back".
"I'll Post What I Got...
When I Get on My Computer at Home".


Yazoo City, MS(Zone 7b)

You guys!! LOL

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Gonna miss ya, but happy for you. I know who has me but they are not posting here. Could my recievers please rate me. as future trades may have to have ratings checked. Thankyou Carol

Willamette Valley-OS, OR(Zone 8a)

"Oh Carol...Oh Carol"
"I am So Sorry"!
"I Thought For Sure The Mailman Would Come Back with Yours".
"I'm Sorry...Maybe This Week"!

"Well Sorry I Didn't Get This Posted Sooner..................
I've Been Really Wrapped Up in the Hurricane...Literally"!

"I Started Out Walking Home and then This Big Gust of Wind Just Swept Me Off My Feet....And the Next Thing I New I Was Twirling Around in the Center of a Tornado...But I Was Not Going to Let Go of this Box"!

I Kept Clicking Me Heels While Flying Home"...
"And Saying"...
"There's No Place Like Home"
"I Must Get Back Home"
"My Iris Need Planting in Good Dark Rich Loam"!

"It Worked"!
"I Got Home and Opened My Box and..."
"It's Absolutely Wonderful"!
"Everything's Planted"!

"Thank You So Much Lois"!

"The Collection of Iris Were Incredible"!
"And I Appreciate Your Generosity...
Sooooooooo Much"!

Lois Sent Me 3 Bunches of Siberians.
And 5 TB Iris...(All Wonderful and Some Named).

"A 'Big Thank You' to Carmen for Organizing the Trade"!
"And Once Again...Another 'Big' Thank You to Lois!

Everyone's Efforts Were Greatly Appreciated"!


Silver City, NM(Zone 7b)

Well, shucks, ZZ.

You are just too nice with all that flattery! Makes my heart sing!! I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone's blooms next year. What fun.

BTW, the yellow iris posted by Linda looks suspiciously like a siberian, not a TBI - ??


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