What Did You Get in the Secret Iris Trade?

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Folks should be getting their first boxes soon. Let's post here what we got. I always love this part.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I sent off my boxes Monday, one to a state over, and the other up. they should arrive today

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Today was like Christmas! I not only got boxes from the Named and Unnamed Iris trade, but also the secret hosta trade. I must be living right!

From the unnamed iris trade I recieved 6 beautiful yellow heirloom irises from Marcia (MBock). This was a perfect match because she only has yellows, and I have none (up until today that is). Thank you so very much. I've been wanting them for a long time.

From the named iris trade I received a great package from Wanda (Wandasflowers). She set me Anne Newhard, Sky Blue, Around Midnight, Inspriation, and Rosemary's Dream irises. She also sent Fushia Dream and Brave World daylilies. These are all in the lavendar/purple/blue range which is just the color I want to expand my garden to. Don't yellow and purple go together beautifully? As another bonus, I received 6 of her wonderful cards that she makes with her photos of her beautiful garden. What a photographer you are, Wanda!

Thank you both so much for your extreme generosity. I'm walking on clouds tonight.

Willamette Valley-OS, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh Boy!...Oh Boy!...Oh Boy!
"THANK YOU Veeja3"!

It's Very Late.
But I Wanted Carol to Know...
I Got My Box of Goodies
Tonight When I Got Home!
"What a 'Great' Secret Trade Box You Sent!"

I Received the Following Varieties of
Tall Bearded Iris:

(TB)-Yellow and Gold Colored Variety
(TB)-Peach Colored Variety
(TB)-Lt Blue Colored Variety
(TB)-Purple and White Colored Variety

"Thank You So Much Carol"!
What a Wonderful Color Selection You Sent!
I Want You to Know that...
Your Kindness and Generosity...
is Very Much Appreciated!
And I Mean..."Very Much Appreciated"!


Also a Big "Thank You" to Carmen for Offering...and Setting Up These Secret Trades.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

...head in mailbox and looking ...

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Hi Wanda, I am in here too. Carol

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

My, but this mailbox is getting crowded! Still looking...

Memphis, TN(Zone 7b)

I'm looking too!!!! Maybe there will be a surprise on my doorstep when I get home!!!!!

Montezuma, NM(Zone 5b)

Just found this thread.

Thanks so much Carol. What beautiful colors and generously sized bulbs!
light blue
purple w/white
and yellow and gold
Happy, Happy, Happy!

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

You are welcome to my two recievers, it was my pleasure. This is my first year to divide Iris so next year should be better. Wanda I am enjoying my time with you in the mail box,although my head in box and big behind outside could be the reason the mail man isn't stopping.

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

i received my unnamed trade iris trade yesterday from kelli. thanks very much.

japanese iris
dutch iris
burgundy bitone
purple bitone

sent my secret named and unnamed trade out this morning.


Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Carol---What a sight we must be! Darn , I hope those new neighbors don't see me hiding in here. I wanted them to think I was sane at least for awhile.... All the neighbors see me weeding alot--maybe they think my backside IS my front side!
Still looking for those iris.....

Memphis, TN(Zone 7b)

Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Got 4 nice rhizomes from Kokopelli yesterday....only thing is I don't know what varieties they are! Hope she doesn't make me wait till they bloom - the suspense would kill me!

Thanks Kokopelli!

And thanks Pins - for doing all this - not an easy task I'm sure but we all really appreciate it. We'll think of you every time our new irises bloom!


Montezuma, NM(Zone 5b)

Your very welcome M! I'm sure I put the colors on the leaves as suggested. There's a purple w/yellow, it has a delicate scent of lemon. That one is my personal favorite. I put in a beautiful dark purple. It actually has a name, but the person who gave them to me forgot it other than they were suppose to be some kind of black. And, I think I put in a lavendar or a white. The white would have a faint blue hue to it. I can post some pictures. I'll take a look in my pic files.

Memphis, TN(Zone 7b)

KoKo = I'm too dumb. I didn't look at the leaves....duh!!!!! Okay = sorry bout that.....

Montezuma, NM(Zone 5b)

no problem here's a few pics

Thumbnail by kokopelli
Montezuma, NM(Zone 5b)

this iris is more purple that it looks. Don't know why it doesn't come out that way.

Thumbnail by kokopelli
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Carol, move out of the way--my box arrived!

OOH! Marlatt8--Belinda--Thank You!
She sent some simply wonderful iris for my garden:
Mother Earth
Painted Clouds
Michigan Pride
Radiant Apogee
Japanese Ensata Innocence + one surprise iris!

I've already got them int hte ground & spring can't come soon enough for me. Thank You, Thank You!

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

This thread brings smiles to my face. Thanks so much for posting. You are all so wonderful. I do have to confess that my irises will go out tomorrow. My son is going to a bible college in a week and I've been just taken up with his emergencies. Please forgive me for my delays.

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

hi wandaflowers, i am glad you liked your box. belinda

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I am going home to watch my mail box, since yours came there is still hope for mine. I have enjoyed spending time with you in the box.happy planting. Carol

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hmm. Carol, move over so I can climb back in . I just remembered I have a box of unnamed--Maybe OLD ones coming???

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Ooh! ooh! OOh! A big box from mgh just arrived--I can climb out of the mailbox now. good thing too, I need a bath something fierce!

She sent me purple & white Japanese iris (don't have any!) and some 2 tone purple iris for my beds. Can't wait to see them bloom next spring! Thank you, Mendy!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Wanda glad to hear you got the box! Hope you like them!

Edited to say:
There is a photo of the Jap Iris on page 2 of this forum. The subject is "Another Iris in need of identification"

Now that you're out of the mailbox can I take your spot?! :-)

This message was edited Aug 12, 2004 4:59 PM

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Sure come on in, it is a little lonly here without wanda, I think we must be near a cow crossing I keep hearing moo.althoug it sounds a bit human. I am happy for you wanda. come on secret pal I need a bath.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Thanks Carol! You keep hearing moo?

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I hear Moo when my daughter is home--IM 's coming in Moo. The kid has a Wierd sense of humor and i haven't the faintest idea where she got it. :)

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

No idea at all huh?! LOL! You always bring a smile to my face Wanda! :-D

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Great it was you, cute, I was beginning to think someone was refering to my behind and calling me a cow, that or your mailbox was in a cow crossing. how is my new box mate enjoying her time in here ? Carol

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Carol, just be glad it's a cow in there and not a bull!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Well it's kinda cramped in here and I have a lot to do! That devil's ivy is trying to take over my climbing rose again....UUHHGG!! I also need to make room for the things I ordered in the co-ops. I'm glad you're here with me though Carol! And I'm glad the mooing was explained...I thought you were talking about my behind! LOL!! :-D

Yazoo City, MS(Zone 7b)

And I thought that that Wanda was just hearing ME headed toward the community mailbox! lol
Oh well, can't say too mooch...I sent one of my boxes earlier this week, but one just went out today because the USPS didn't like the address I tried to put on it.
Who wants fresh deoderant?! lol
Wanda, I LOVE that pic!


Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey--crawling back in the mailbox ... Does anyone have the REAL address of Lois in North Carolina? Her box came back today--USPS didn't like the address I put on it. Lois, are you stuck in this mailbox too???

Summerville, SC

Wanda, if Lois doesn't crawl out of that mailbox and give you the correct address,you can to send the box to a REAL address.... I can give you one here in SC! lol - just joking Lois!

I have some white irises but that's all. Are yall going to have another trade soon? I'd love to start some other colors. Sandy

Yazoo City, MS(Zone 7b)

Wanda, you' ve got mail R/T Lois....

Silver City, NM(Zone 7b)

OOOOOOPS. Sorry, I just saw these posts. Sent the mailing list to Yvonne and Carmen....

Thanks, y'all.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I'll take some of that deodrant, darn I am in both trades, was hoping for a box. Wanda who is the person who pats our behinds in the mornings ? lois looks like you got released from the box.I don't want to be the only one left in the box.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

veeja--You get your butt patted? I'm jealous!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Carol, I'm still here! Just been kinda quiet. You been gettin' you behind patted? Not me!

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Yep, I think it could be the cow herder trying to get me to move on or Wanda's DH, thinking I am Wanda. since she never comes in from the garden.

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