my gourd patch

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

About 35 years ago when I was still living at home with my parents I decided to plant pumpkins between some big hay bales that had been left over from the year before. I dug down in the hay around the bottom of the big bales and planted seeds. Not much digging required, no tilling, no mulching , fertilizer, nothing. It was truly amazing to watch , the pumpkins climbed over the bales. We had lots of pumpkins that year , but never had left over hay bales like that again.

Well, this year I decided to plant gourd seeds ( that I had traded for here ) around where the cattle had eaten hay last winter. Not sure how well it had composted etc. but I had so many left over seeds I just thought I would stick them in the ground. Hoping that later when I put the cows back in the pasture I could string some electric fence or something around my vines to protect them. Well, I got busy. The cows needed to go in that pasture , so I didn't get that fence up. Gourds were sprouting like crazy, but I couldn't worry about it. Would you believe, cows hate gourd vines? They stepped gingerly around them and didn't damage a one. I would have to say they almost weeded them. These gourds are growing like crazy with a zillion blooms. I don't know how many gourds I will have to show for my little experiment , we are having a population explosion of grasshoppers. But just thought I would share.

Tygh Valley, OR(Zone 6a)

Thats great =)

I've heard of growing Potatoes in haybales before, might work with a lot of things?
I have rotten bales everywhere!

note to self: plant some haybales next year =)

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

The funny thing is my garden is terribly weedy, like say some of the huge weeds are 10 foot high. but the cows weeded these gourds beautifully.
Wish I could post a picture. Bet I have a hundred blooms or more.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Wow, my weeds are only 5-6 foot high :(

Note to Oregonics: Bring some of that spoiled hay to Fritch Texas, I will take good care of it...

I have heard of growing tomatoes and cukes in hay, haven't tried it,,,yet.

You know, this is something that would be great in an alternative technique forum.... hint, hint, please post opinion in Dave's Garden Forum...

I accidentally planted some corn in some hay, and it came up. Today I fetilized it with dead minnows from a local bait shop, then covered with hay to keep the smell and wild animals/strays away.

I would go check on my wild gourds in the empty horse pasture, if I could just get through those thick 6 foot weeds...

too bad you couldn't train cattle to weed the garden as well, you could patent that LOL

thanks for sharing, maybe I will put some more hay around our pumkpins, even if not bales...

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

We've had an incredibly rainy year here and the weeds are loving that. These gourds are really starting to set on now. I think they are all bird house gourds. Wish I had planted more of a variety.

Crossville, TN

Tamarafaye.....would you look at my thread....since you have the wild gourds...and see what you think? Titled Need Expert Advice. Thanks Jo

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

My birdhouse patch

Thumbnail by TARogers5
Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Look at the size of this sponge gourd. Almost ready to peel.

Sorry forgot the photo

This message was edited Aug 15, 2004 12:46 PM

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Will have plenty of seeds.

Thumbnail by TARogers5
Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey cool TARoger5. I have sort of the same old hen house thing and may try that next year! I am also thinking about putting some in erosion ditches where I have put brush to stop the fast runoff.

Would love a seed or two from that gourd if you have any to spare later.

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

No problem will come back to this thread when I start skining them. Have six of them on the vine.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

That would be great! Thanks! Maybe I can show pictures of ones I grow from your seeds on my bird house next year!

Crossville, TN that a Louffa? Very nice indeed. Jo

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Roadrunner that is what it is. And now have a lot of seeds.
Here is a shot of it now after I soaked in in hot water and peeled lt. Still more on the vine.

Thumbnail by TARogers5
Crossville, TN

I had to pick my louffa's before their time...the Darned Javilena's got to them!! They were still rather large though. Jo

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Sorry you lost you louffas.

So far from the my gourd patch I have collected over 100 gourds. I have supplied two classrooms and 2 Daycares with free gourds for their children.

One of my swan neck gourds that grew up a tree must have a straight neck on it two feet long! MaryE, over on the Farm Life forum gave me the idea to let these gourds dry , make bird houses out of them and hang them back in the same trees next year. So I think I will.

Still picking them too. Since my gourds are green ones and the leaves have been so green I had no idea there were so many... whew!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

TAR, great idea for the gourds on the vines. I grew scarlet runner beans on my chicken yard fence this year, provided good shade for my three large banties. Next year i think I will try your idea. Looks nice. Donna

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