Has anyone....

Little Falls, MN(Zone 4a)

Hi...has anyone picked lilies just before the buds are ready to open and put them in the fridge to halt the opening and when you want them to open take them out a day or 2 before and put them in very warm water to open? I called a flower shop and they said not to pick them till about a week before you want them to open other wise they may deteriorate...trying to have them ready for a wedding on Aug. 14th...but some are getting ready to burst now so I need to get them cut....did pick one today to experiment?? Any ideas??

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Boy I haven't heard of this but then I've not had any cause to find out either. Maybe someone that displays at lily shows will be around. Bet they would know. Any lily contestants out there?

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

tyke, i would stick with the florists. they do this all the time. find out what temp for the frig too. i do know that they remove the pollen, for a couple reasons. one it is suppose to prolong the bloom, and also the pollen doesn't mar the beauty of the flower. also, i don't think you want anyone getting that pollen on them at the wedding.

i bet your lilies will be gorgeous. what a wonderful gift you are giving to them.
debi & franklin

Little Falls, MN(Zone 4a)

debi, thanks for the advice...I wasn't informed on re-moving the pollen but after you said this I did a search and you're correct that it prolongs the flower life and of course for staining...so I just did this now...maybe it's not too late and as new ones open I will remove it right away...I just took the pollen tip off...should I pull out the whole stamen? One site said to pull the whole stamen out of the flower? Thanks, Anita

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

i'm not sure anita. i usually just take off the pollen but i'm not a pro.
call a florist, is my suggestion.
debi z

Little Falls, MN(Zone 4a)

Will do...thanks...here's a photo of some of the lilies to be used...and about 20 other plants scattered here and there in my beds...these are in pots. It's getting close to wedding day...and tons to do.

Thumbnail by tyke

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