Sick African Violet :(

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

You ask "Does the wick thing really work? And how do the results compare with bottom watering?"

I use a variety of watering methods with my Av' watering most of them. I wick water a few Mini's, and bottom water a few with a mat.
I don't see much difference in any of the methods with my AV's as long as they get
What I do notice that is if I forget and use too cold of water they fuss by loosing a leaf or two. :(
I have no luck using those fancy AV pots that are supposed to be great & water your plants from the bottom...I think in my house it stays too cold and it keeps the water too cold for them.
I have noticed that the type of potting soil I use is more important .That can affect their condition, too. I have to add pearlite to all the soils to insure good drainage for mine.

As far as fertilizers I use a standard 1/4 strength 20/20/20 fertilizer on most of mine with an ocassional dose of epson salt and fish emulsion.

Some folks use distilled water but I use regular tap water and ocasionally remove the clorine from it too.

What kind of water do you prefer to use?


That's a gorgeous violet!! Thanks for the pic.

Spokane, WA

say Pati...

my take of it all, is that a sense of humor n a " love of ones' fellow man" will help best. ... :D having said that, the comment about composting non-participants also works... lol

i do try to keep things lite about here, as there are those whom take life n living waaaay too seriously... lol

plants do well when they are loved, and given the basics they need for survival... DavesGarden can provide all the info we need for the basics.... the rest comes from us. ;)

as for those two you have left.... let em know ya like em.... every day. if that don't work, tell em what a great addition they'll make to yer compost pile... lol

Cheers!!! Arod

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Arod ...So there you are ! :)
I thought you found a blonde joke forum somewhere...
So hows that big AV of yours doing? has it recooped from it's sunburn or did you compost it?

I actually used your "grow or go" method recently on a few plants taking up space pretty good.

Glad to see ya didn't leave us for all those blondes to tease...


Spokane, WA

Hiya Msc!!!

n no, i ain't left.... i was jus busy playin some puter games, getting near to some landmark levels... lol, for me they was.... ;)

so i stumbled back in here, n looked about. n found i could launch a comment or two towards teh masses n not be sought out as a target. well, i don't think i'll be sought out. time will tell, eh? :D

and glad to know that i've helped improve the living conditions in your home , regarding your plants. also proud to know that your compost pile is doin well.... lol

also... as for the blonde-joke forums... they tend to be boring, as i find real blondes, or wanna-bes soooo much more fun... heh.... wanna be blonde for a day? :D

Cheers!!! Arod

ps... two cruel jokes ...

how can ya tell a blonde used yer puter? -------- white-out on the monitor screen ;)
how can ya tell a red-head used yer puter?--------- writing on the white-out.... HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

You are a real trip!!! Don't go 'way now, I LOVE blond jokes. LOL My daughter has several horses, and the beautiful blond Palemino is known as the dumb blond. Just too sweet, but has that wide eyed spacey look and would sit in your lap if you let her!

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