growing globe artichokes

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

has anyone ever been successful growing this type of artichoke in my area. if anyone has, would love to hear how youdid it. thanks

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I could never grow them in NC... not enough "growing days".

Tygh Valley, OR(Zone 6a)

I have some GreenGlobes & Violettos at 45degrees N that aren't doing the best. I didn't get them out until 06/15, it was a really harsh spring here in the NW.
The GreenGlobes are doing a lot better than the Violettos though, will have to wait & see if its too late or not?
This is my first time growing Artichokes, so no words of wisdom =)

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

dthanks for your info. i tried ab out 5 years ago to go them. all i got was someting that looked like a starfish. don't know what happened. my dw loves them so i would like to try again but something tells me n.y. is not a prime growing region for them.

(Zone 4b)

I just bought an artichoke potted up at a specialty nursery cause I like the foliage but I was wondering what itll do. Doesnt sound like Ill get a globe oh well. Maybe I should send it to my friend in Washington. It was used here as a speciman in a planter and was so glorious!!!! Big fountain like leaves... reminded me of acanthus leaves from the classics.
So whadya think? Its about 12 inches tall...... any chance for me???

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Greta I am growing artichokes for the first time this year and have two mature bulbs and several other small ones starting on six plants they were in 4 inch pots when I planted them first part of june.

When I bought my plants the guy told me they were perennial so maybe yours are as well. Can you mulch enough to keep them from freezing out ? Ernie

(Zone 4b)

Nah... too cold here but Im gonna send the one I got as a present to my friend in Olympia and let her have all the fun. Happy youve got chokes growin Ernie and nice to hear from yah!

Stanton, NE(Zone 4b)

I live in Nebraska and have great success with the globe artichoke. The secret to growing them is to start indoors under lights. I start my new seeds in February. Right now I have massive plants (6'x6') and more artichokes than I can handle. Plan lots of room in the garden and plant them in a spot where the soil is not disturbed by tilling etc. A very heavy mulch should protect the root through cold winter months although I do not claim knowledge for your area. Good luck!

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

abloom - thanks for the advice. will give it a try next season.

Tygh Valley, OR(Zone 6a)

My Green Globes are about 3ft+ across now, still no artchoke sprouts yet though.
I'll be trying them next year either way, they're growing well & would make it for sure with a earlier start I think?
I'll post my final results later this season.

cheers =)

Stanton, NE(Zone 4b)

My artichokes were very prolific this year. I did not pinch back the bulbs to just four per plant...I let every one mature that made an appearance. On average, each plant has produced four to seven globes. However, the two largest plants in my bed....huge compared to their peers did nothing but far not a single sign of a globe setting on. So, this is my question....are artichokes male and female plants? Could this be the reason two of my largest plants did nothing but sprout massive leaves?

Just curious.

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