Black Futsu Squash

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

At the bottom of this post, you will find a catalog description for Black Futsu.

I have two plants for this, and they are getting huge.

The plant looks unusual to me in that it looks like a bush plant in the center with lots of blossoms, but then it also has put out lots of medium-long vines.

I'm wondering if anyone knows what kind of a yield to expect. It looks like it's going to be a big crop just from two plants.

Also wondering about the taste ............... anyone actually eaten one?

Will this cross with Cushaw?

Black Futsu
(C. moschata) Rare, black Japanese squash, the fruit is flattened, round and has heavy ribbing. Very unique and beautiful. The black fruit will turn a rich chestnut color in storage. Flesh is golden color and has the rich taste of hazelnuts. Fruits are 3-8 lbs. each and vines give huge yields. Japanese dark skinned, flattened, did excellent here. Popular with European market growers. Good insect resistance makes this a winner here!

Thumbnail by Tree_Climber
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Never grew that one. But most C. moschata have good flavor. Most likely it will cross with Cushaws which are found under C. Mixta and C. moschata groupings. I have had Cushaws cross with C. Pepo.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Farmerdill. I thought crossing was likely.

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