I need squash help

Cookeville, TN(Zone 7a)

WE had a bad storm last week that had 80 mph winds. my plants have fallen over and they started to turn yellow, but today I inspected that some leaves are browning and dying. I put fertilizer on them 2 days ago, would this have hurt anything? also is there anything I can do or is it a loss cause and are they all dying? please I need your help

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

What kind of squash? Unless they are ripped up (usually hail) wind damage is not normally a problem for squash. What kind of fertilizer? A high nitogen concentrate can burn them but it will start with the youngest tenderest leaves. If ther is a general yellowing with the older leaves turning brown, check for vine borers. Ther are other insects which damage squash vines but none as devastating as the vine borer.

Cookeville, TN(Zone 7a)

it is summer crookneck and butternut squash. they were all very heathy till that huge storm. I used 6-10-10 fertilizer, and yes most of the leaves are turning yellow, how do I check for vine borers? I am just really lost

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

vine borers can be noticed by looking at the stems right near the soil and if you see "sawdust" and splits chances are you have vine borers. They can kill the vines really fast. I know how to recognise the problem but I STILL don't know what to do about them....

If I use row covers the plants don't bear because they don't pollenate. If I take the covers off they don't bear because they get chewed up by the vine borers. Can't win either way. Might stop trying for squash. Sigh

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Here's a thread on how to look for and deal with squash vine borers: http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/371126/

Based on horseshoe's advice, I've run the coat hanger up inside the main vines of my pumpkin and squash, found the bugger and killed him, then sprinkled Bt over the vine and covered the damaged part with soil. So far, so good. But you do have to stay on top of them. THAT vine may recover, but another nearby may show signs of infection a few days later.

Cookeville, TN(Zone 7a)

I didnt have any bugs on the plants or in them. I have some growing new leaves, it just seemed like they took a good beating from that storm.

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