An Iris Dilemma

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Remember my old college history prof that I have visited and done some plant swapping with? Well, I emailed him yesterday and mentioned the plant tag co-op because he has everything labeled so nice in his garden (about 600 iris cultivars).

He emailed me back last night that he has lots of tags since he just bought a box full from a company in MI. Then he asked if I could use some irises. About *150*!!! He already got rid of a lot on the local 'Swap Shop' radio program for donations and has 150 approximately that are going to be pitched by the end of the week. He said I can have any or all for nothing!!

The dilemma is I just don't have time nor place to put these but sure hate to have them go in the dumpster!

Any ideas? Who's close enough they could come get some?

I'm going to call a few places tomorrow, like the home here in town and the Christian school and the public school. Also will email the Master Gardener organizer and have her send it out to the other MGs for places to plant some.

markleysburg, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi I would be glad to send any amount of postage for a big box if you would consider it?? Shirley

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Shirley, I'll visit with him about that. I know he had others give donations that he gives to the Christian college (where he taught) and Christian h.s. and elem. so I think he's thinking on the lines of volunteer stuff and charity stuff. I'll email him later today and see what he's thinking. We are leaving for family reunion on Sat. so my time is VERY limited this week. Have some work to do in the camper yet too to get it ready. :)

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Kooger, I could use some to plant around our Senior center in our local town.

Would be glad to pay postage for them. I am also on the local board for seniors, so no problem on that end.


Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

I got an email back from him last night. He said I was welcome to come and pick what I would like but he's not ready to dump them all yet. He had a couple more calls from people wanting some so he's going to wait till the end of the week. Since I'm leaving Sat. am, I doubt I can get any more. Will post, if I do.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Kooger you have mail....just noticed you were still up! ;)

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