Some animal ate all my lily

Alpharetta, GA(Zone 7b)

Not sure if it's rabbit or squire, they love to eat my HH leaves, adn the entire lily stalk are eaten to the root. Do u have such problem? What can I do ?

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

oh my, i've never had such a problem, but i certainly feel badly for you. what is an HH?
i don't believe squirrels eat lilies.
hope someone comes along and answers this, i'm quite interested in hearing other folks this has happened to also.

Princeton, IL(Zone 5a)

Some horrible animal came along and bit the bud off TWO of my lilies right after they came up. I just hope there are enough leaves left to feed the bulb so that it will come up next year.

Speaking of which, I had three of my lily bulbs that I planted this year not come up at all. Each of them were sprouting by the time I got them in the ground. I dug down and looked at one about a week ago and it looked fine. Not rotten or anything. Do you think it will come up next year or is it a gonner for sure?

LimeyLisa Kay

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I have a row of Asiatic lilies that look like sticks poked into the ground. Rabbits are the cause in my yard and that would be my guess for your too. One year they were so bad that I put chicken wire cages around all my lilies bases and that did help, but didn't look so great. They seem to like some lilies more than others. At least mine got to bloom before they started eating. Sorry about your problem


(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

Squirrels love the bulbs and will dig up newly planted lilies if given half a chance. Rabbits are also getting into my nursery garden and are devouring all the foliage off the stems and if that isn't enough now the deer have found the garden and ate all the daylily buds!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I have had rabbits bite off lily stalks the size of a dime! They go after the young shoots on shrubs, hosta stems, you name it. The "bite" is usually at a 45 degree angle. I use Liquid Fence religously and it works great! But just to be safe I use chicken wire around my stargazers too.

Princeton, IL(Zone 5a)

Who makes Liquid Fence and where do you get it?

LimeyLisa Kay

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I've found it at the local garden centers. Tried it, and then bought a quart of concentrate! Very economical that way.
Tried lots of other things, but this WORKS! Here ya go...

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Is Liquid Fence the stinky one? I got some for my Daylilies this year and boy was it smelly during the application process. Odor went away after it dried but I about needed a mask to apply it!!!

LimeyLisa - I posted a reply to your post in another thread about your lilies not coming up. Are these the ones from the coop? If so, let me know. It might be too late but there were 2 others in the coop that never emerged and I was able to arrange replacements for them.

If they aren't showing signs of rot it might just be a "sulking" thing especially since they were already developing stalks when planted. Chances are good they'll be back next year if they aren't rotted.


Princeton, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes, they were from the co-op. The bonus (Coral Butterflies), Yellow Whoppers and La Center didn't show up. Silk Road and Razzel Dazzel got bit off by rabbits or whatever, and so the only one that will bloom is Black Beauty! She will shortly, I hope.

I got busy for awhile and didn't go back to my earlier post. In fact wasn't much for about a month. Hope that is over now! If you could do something that would be great. If not, I'll mark it up to a lousy year! I think, hope, that the bit off ones will come back for sure. They have about 5 inches of leaves to help them come back.

LimeyLisa Kay

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Lisa - The last one I had to get a replacement on was not too long ago and TLG wanted to send the replacement in Fall. That was fine with the other participant so I suspect if TLG is willing to do the replace they'll do so this fall. I'll see if I can have them included with my coop order in a couple of months and then I'll just ship them to you when I do coop orders if that's ok. I'll let you know what the outcome is of my request to TLG. B.

Princeton, IL(Zone 5a)

That would be are you doing another lilium co-op. Oh, Oh, No, I feel this pain in my wallet...!


LimeyLisa Kay

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

langbr - what critters eat your daylilies?? My vicious bunnies eat everything but them. Yes, the Liquid Fence is stinky, but the results are well worth the 5 or 10 minutes of stink every 3 weeks. Besides, you can't beat the guarantee!

Alpharetta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'll give that liquidfence a try. Debie HH -- holyhock. LimeyLisa Kay -- your bulb should come back. half of my from clearance didn't come out 1st year then 2nd almost all came out. Amazing hardy things just those animal love them. I also heard about put a scented soap in the garden so the animal thought there're people around .... :-)

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi Wennie!
I know for a fact that deer love lilies, I caught them munching :(
I like using bloodmeal, it helps the garden, doesn't stink and seems to keep the critters at bay, just re-apply a few days after rain.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

If you have daffodils planted in the same bed close-by or put tiny daffodil bulblets in the same hole with the lilies, then the squirrels won't get them. I don't know if that will deter the rabbits, though.

Dublin, OH(Zone 5a)

Rabbits do that to mine. But I found if I could keep the lilies alive for two seasons, the rabbits leaves the mature plants alone. Either that, or they found something else to munch on. I use "Rabbit Scat" and it works rather well in protecting lilies and other plants from rabbits.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Moby- Deer chomp off the unopened blooms on my daylilies. The bunnies get my gazania and tigridia and hollyhocks.

I read that Allium or Garlic will keep bunnies at bay, but then also read that's a wive's tale. I ordered some Allium Gladiator that I'm going to plant around the wildflower bed where the gazania go each year (they're annuals).

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Brenda, have you ever looked into "Not Tonight, Deer"?
At least check it out for the fun web site!

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

LOL!!! What a great name! Heading there now.....

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

that is a great logo they have.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Yes, they do, and if you REALLY like it, you can get it on a T-shirt or sleep shirt!! LOL They have other guaranteed products like Hare-Less, Mole-otov Cocktail, Armadillo Armedegon...very funny! Think it might be worth looking in to.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

i emailed them about voles and chipmunks, but they don't have anything yet for them. but i'm sure they will and i can't wait to see the names for them. LOL

Troy, MI(Zone 6a)

Hi, I am fairly new to Dave's Garden, but loving every minute of it. I just HAVE to tell you about an organic product that I GUARANTEE will eliminate your problems with animals eating your plants. The product's brand name is TREEGARD (notice the absence of the letter U) and it will protect your ENTIRE (non-edible) garden from rabbits, squirrels, and those pesky deer. Unlike another brand that is quite stinky, Treegard has no odor. It is my understanding that Treegard is comprised of: (1) the most bitter substance known to man (can't remember the name) and (2) latex paint. I may be wrong on the product's composition, but believe me when I tell you that the stuff works. It is particularly helpful with bulbs, in that you can soak the bulbs in Treegard before planting. This is much more effective and long-lasting than regular spraying of Treegard on young bulbs. I believe that one application of Treegard lasts a season; but beware that as new plants emerge from the ground they must be 'treegarded.' If just one plant is overlooked, the rabbits won't find it but the deer will. (I had a deer take out an entire, precious rose this summer, as we mistakenly forgot to treegard it. I was miserable for days.) Two cautions: (1) Do not spray vegetables or ANY edible plant. It won't hurt you but believe me, you won't like the taste. (2) Before application, shake the Treegard, shake it again and again and again and again, and shake it again. If you don't shake it well, it will not work. Some people balk at the price (I think the biggest container--and we use 2 or 3 a season--is $45), but that is nothing compared to lost plants.

Hope this helps!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

thanks for the info phyllis and welcome to dave's garden
debi z and my little bulbette franklin (my pekingese doggie)

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

LimeyLisa Kay - I have had an oriental lily bulb sulk for a year and then come up. After 3 years, it is as big as the other 2. Never did know why it sulked. :)

Princeton, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks kooger, that is good to hear. I would really like to see them this next year.

LimeyLisa Kay

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

When we move martagons up here in Manitoba, we expect them to sulk for a year or two. Sometimes they come up 4 or 5 inches or so and then just go brown and sulk for the rest of the year. BUT. I just know the bulb is plumping up and growing well, getting ready for the following year.

If you move martagons in the spring, with a huge amount of soil with them, then they hardly know they have been moved.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

inanda, thanks for the info. my martagons didn't come up last year. 2 came up this year, but not very far. 1 turned brown shortly thereafter and the other hung around for a while. i'm glad to hear your analysis of what they do. i had read that they sulked and took a while to get comfortable. i was a bit worried i might have put them in a place that had to much sun. i'll just continue to wait now and when they do blossom, i'll be one happy woman just gauking at them in the garden, with a happy face on.
debi z and my little bulbette franklin

East Greenbush, NY

Hi Phyllis, why did you buy the Treegard? thanks, jeani4

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