Need Cucumber pictures

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

The cucumber entires in the PDB are pretty bare of pictures. Don't any of you grow these things? I only have two cultivars this year so I can't help out much. There are some 400 extant cultivars so a wonderful photo op.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Farmer Dill~
I would be glad to oblige, just getting some cukes going myself. Three kinds. But my digital camera is on the fritz, so we will have to wait while I get a disposable, then get it developed with a CD.
What about photos from online seed catalogs? How do we know if they are copyrighted?

Tygh Valley, OR(Zone 6a)

I can add a Lemon Cuke to the PDB, I have a Pickling Cuke too. I don't what kind of pickling cuke it is though?
Thats all the stake says....Pickling Cucumber?

I saw 3 in the PDB, a National Pickling, a Northern Pickling & a Chicage Pickling, which I know it isn't.
Any ideas on identifying mine?

I'd guess Northern Pickling, from my area where I purchsed the start?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

It is really hard to say, there are close to hundred pickling cultivars and all of them look very much alike. Major difference are in the sizes of leaves and vines. If it is a short bushy vine we could narrow it down a bit.

Tygh Valley, OR(Zone 6a)

Thanks Farmerdill, I think we better pass on the picking cuke ID =) Its not a bush & looks like every other one I've seen.

I'll add the Lemon Cucumber though.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I took some pics of my first crop of Smart Pickle, will have them back and in the DB next week. I also took pics of a couple of my plants that were looking pale, almost yellow. Was going to ask about that, then realized I had cucumbers before I knew it, found three yellow ones hiding. So problem solved! =-) Just wondering if I should post pictures of just the cukes, or also the plants also in the forum. I really don't know how that works.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Wait wait wait!!! Yellow? Why were they yellow?

We just had a huge Japanese cuke come in yellow and the others are all green green. So I figure its not a fertilizer issue.

Why are they yellow?


Tygh Valley, OR(Zone 6a)

I was wondering the same thing?
I'm waiting for yellow, my Lemon cukes are still green!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

If I understand this right, (please correct me FD or anyone):


You pick the cukes before they are actually ripe, when they are green. When they turn yellow, they turn bitter. A friend of mine likes the yellow ones to make hot pickles out of (yechk). But when you leave them on, or miss one, and it begins to ripen, the process of it going to seed sends a message (hormone) to the plant to say "we are done here", and the plant begins to die.

I have read where they have done tests on plants (not cukes) and picked only on one side of the plant, letting the fruits on the other side go to seed, and that half of the plant died.

Sorta like when you are growing cut flowers. You have to keep them cut before they go to seed, so that you will continue to get more blooms.

This is also why you can get such a long harvest out of some things like cukes, okra, and summer (pepo) squash. Because you are picking the fruits before they mature.

Dontcha wish it worked that way on CORN???!!!

This is why I am growing mine on a trellis, so I won't miss any cukes. But I did anyhow; apparently I didn't watch my matruity dates close enough. As much time as I spend on this computer, I think I will invest in that gardener's journal next year. Time just flies by...................................


This message was edited Aug 4, 2004 3:55 PM

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Great info, thank you!!

I still don't get why we had one cuke that stayed yellow the whole time. It looked like one that didn't get fertilized properly when it was a baby and they usually just fall off eventually. This one matured as a yellow.

And I am with you on the corn. You figure out the hybrid that will do it and I will help you get it sold ; )

Tygh Valley, OR(Zone 6a)

ditto =)

Thats interesting, I'll have to experiment.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Oregonics~Let me in on your experiment......

I do that sort of thing too.

I am trying to get a forum started about alternative techniques, including sharing experiment info.

Please go to Dave's Garden forum and look at the link "interest in alternative gardening techniques", then express your opinion.

Glad I could help on the cukes, you may wait and see what FD has to say too.

So DAISY, are you saying it STARTED OUT yellow??? Let me know, this is interesting... I took pics of my green and yellow ones, which I should have posted to the PDB next week...

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Okay, now noooo fighting here, Oregonics and Tamaracorny! I will handle the corn- both of you just run along now and experiment and then email- okay, you can call collect if you want- when you get a hybrid that re-blooms and I will take care of everything from there. Patent law really isn't for the elite of mind like yourselves..........; )

Well, if they figured it out with iris, they should figure it out with corn, right?

And yep- it started yellow and ended yellow. I will postapic in a min.

Ya'll just go 'speriment now, ya'll hear?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Just for information, There is a big Yellow cuke called the Yellow Submarine. Haven't grown one yet but the pictures are interesting.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Hey now you two, I AM doing some corn experiments, but they involve intensive planting and mulching, NOT turning it into a biennial (not THAT's an idea).
Ya'll got me mixed up with the nutty professor over in 2B LOL

Farmer Dill, Yellow Submarine huh? Bet they are big enough to slice long ways and put on a submarine sandwich!!! I will look and see if they are in the PDB

Now I want to see pictures of everyone's CUKES!~!~!

Tygh Valley, OR(Zone 6a)

I'm off to shoot a few pics right now.

I need some help on data for my WallaWalla Sweet onions though, I need the 'Family' & 'Species' so I can add it to the PDB. Heres what I have so far...

Walla Walla Sweet Onion

Common name: onion
Genus: Allium
Cultivar Name: Allium cepa 'Walla Walla'

Is this correct?
I sure don't want to spork my first PDB entry =)


Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Its already there, Oregonics- just needs images added. ; )

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I don't have family and species, but here is what I do have, if it helps:

"Brought to Walla Walla, Washington from Corsicez at the turn of the century. A large, sweet Spanish onion with light brown skin and mild, white flesh. Long day type. Cold hardy to -10* F, but not a storage onion.
In mild climates, best suited for sowing in late summer for harvest in early summer of the following year. In short-season areas, start indoors late February, early March and transplant 10 weeks later into rows 6-8 inches apart.
Hardy Biennial 4-5" Onion Heirloom"

You probalby have that info already, it came off my seed packet (empty), and I had gotten it out in hopes to have the family and speices on it.

Something you may not know, seed companies have had to change the name of this onion, and I don' trecall the new name. Walla Walla now has the same law on their onion as Vidalia Georgia does. This is it in a nutshell: doesn't matter where it is started, ii can only be called a Vidalia Onion if is was harvested in Vidalia County, Geogia. And it can only be called a Walla Walla if it was grown and harvested in Walla Walla Washington. That is exactly how the seed company explained it to me.

Thanks for contributing to the PDB, I hope to be doing that soon as well....

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Well, cool dogs, thanks Daisy. Sorry to hear your Texas visit was a little rained out, most of Texas is getting way too much rain, but we are in drought conditions still...

Edited to add, I can't get that link to work...

This message was edited Aug 5, 2004 12:26 PM

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I'm only growing one variety myself, but as soon as I have some good representatives (not the thugs I found hiding under leaves when I returned after a week away from my garden), I'll be happy to snap a good shot or two ;o)

And a wholehearted AMEN to Farmerdill's suggestion. C'mon folks! It doesn't matter if you're growing hybrids or heirlooms; if you know the variety, please add a picture and a comment! (Same goes for your corn, potatoes, tomatoes, melons, squash, beans, etc...)

Especially with cukes and squashes, it's really helpful if you put something (like a ruler) next to your cukes, so readers can get an idea of just how big or little they are. (But even if you didn't do that, we won't fuss at ya - just get those pictures in there, pretty please!)

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Actually Tamarafaye, There is no Vidalia county Georgia, just a little town in Toombs county that use to sell onions to Snowbirds traveing north from Florida. Today The growers association covers multiple counties in middle Georgia. the name is protected by the Georgia Department of Agriculture. Several hybrid Granex cultivars are approved for use. Mostly they differ in harvest time which with these cultivars extends from early April to late May.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

I have a Japanese cuke to enter to the PDB but I don't know his name other than his nationality! And I tried searching the pdb but didn't find it- any idea what to do?

Thumbnail by daisyavenue
Tygh Valley, OR(Zone 6a)

I added 2 pics of a Lemon Cuke & 1 WallaWalla Sweet to the PDB

Thanx Daisyavenue, I missed it when I looked before.
Not sure on that cuke? I saw starts for them this year though too.

TamaraFaye, I'll have to findout what name they are going by?
I got these starts locally, I assume they're rather liberal locally on the WallaWalla name, its only about an hour away from me.
I've seen the Granex varieties Farmerdill mentioned in seed lists, not sure on the WallaWallas? I didn't see it mentioned on any of the WallaWalla sites I looked at last night either.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

I am growing walla wallas to- guess that I will have to call them LALA LALAs!!!

Tygh Valley, OR(Zone 6a)

I was thinking Wallapaloozas :)

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)


That is so funny! We may have to patent that one, Oregonics! With full credit to you!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Okay silly folks.... I found it, it is SISKIYOU SWEET ONION....

probalby mean "silly folks"

Thanks FD, I should have known you would know :)

HAVE TO SHUT DOWN, it is storming, maybe it will rain on my garden.....

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