Happiest memories?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

What are your happiest memories from your childhood? This is a follow in from another post.
What times do you remember in particular ,from those days of carefree childhood, when the biggest problem was making up with your best -friends again.
Mine is spending hours on our beach.
Our family had a beach-hut , which we spent all summer down there, rain or shine(and I'm sure that it shone nearly all the time ) There was a little concrete pier bandstand with these funny wonky tall concrete legs,when the tide went out there were pools of water around them, and hundreds of kids would spend hours fishing in these pools for crabs and little fishes.
It's also where everyone used to run and shelter when there was a storm.
I can also remember being huddled under there with loads of others while a huge storm raged, lightening flashing down into the sea, black skies, torrential rain.It was all so exciting.
Also just along the coast from is is a beautiful place called Lyme Regis, which has this beauriful facinating beach, beneath these really unstable cliffs.But this beach is a magnet for fossil collectors, and has been made a World heritage site.
When the tide goes out there, there are thousands of rock pools with all sorts of wonderful and weird creatures in, anfd fossils just to be picked up, heaven.
I still get the same buzz when I go there now, I can spend hours just wandering around ,poking around in these pools of mystery.Can't wait for when my grand-daughetr is old enoughj to take her too.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

My happiest memories were spent in the Abbey Gardens, even as I child I loved flowers, and the Gardens are breathtaking, every time I make a visit home that is the first place I go, (after seing the family)

Thumbnail by kareoke

Sorry Sueone I can't think of any specific thing, our nearest beach when I was little was Rhyl, if I recall rightly there were rockpools there as well as the typical crunchy sandwiches ;)


Welcome to DG. Which Abbey Gardens are these?

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Baa, these are in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England, there are a lot of pics. on my homepage.

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

I remember those beautiful gardens [ The Abbey Gardens] so many lovely places to visit in the UK.
My special memories of my childhood are varied..yes the North East coast, both lovely and windswept...eating cockles out of paper bags, shivering on cold windswept beaches, but loving every minute of it.building sand castles and eating wet sand stuck to soggy sandwiches...looking for crabs, starfish and tiny crustations in the many tide-pools, and swimming in a freezing olympic sized open air swimming pool,...but we all enjoyed our childhoods....After living in California for over 40 years, I have given up trying to recreate those lovely English gardens that I knew and loved so well growing up...goodbye tulips, daffodils and snowdrops...I will never forget you.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

peterson89 so happy to meet someone who has been to the Gardens, they are so spectacular that it is hard to explain how imaculate they are kept.

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