Time to start canning

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

I picked these today (along with others). We should have enough to put up 6 or 7 quarts tomorrow. Everything is coming on strong now and will keep us busy canning, string beans, corn and now tomatoes. Also putting up pickles and relish.

Thumbnail by Big_Red
Louisville, KY

What a beautiful batch of tomatoes, Red! What are they? How lucky you will be come winter time when you are able to use these. So happy that you are having a good 1st year Kentucky garden!

Some recipe ideas for canning tomatoes:

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

You sure make me feel envious Red! They are beauties. I'll be planting my seeds next week for sept. planting and would sure like to know the name of those beauties?

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

They're a mixture, Johnny's 361, Old Virginia, Abe Lincoln's and Amish Paste.

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