WHEN to move lilies??

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Moved this from Perennials

When *does* one move lilies?

I have one lily which appeared in a bad spot - total shade within a foot of the redbud tree trunk. It'd have a better show if I moved it. it's done blooming but still green.

So let's take the question to our brand new and wonderful forum LILIES. I'll go over and ask now and you check in so I know you found us. - Blooms

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Late fall after the foliage has died back naturally.

Excellent care tips are found here:


Port Edwards, WI(Zone 4a)

thanks for site langbr....I'm known in the area for my lilies with no "effort", I wonder what will happen when I pamper my lilies with the excellent care tips I now have!

Thumbnail by imtimm2
Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Gorgeous pic, imtimm2! Does the peach/melon one have a name?

Port Edwards, WI(Zone 4a)

thanks langbr...I've been posting it in a couple different places looking for someone to identify it. It's almost more of a soft salmon than a peach....a real beauty! I received a box of unknowns last year as a gift...and now I'm trying to identify each. Would be happy if anyone could place it. My close-up doesn't show the coloring as well, but a more detailed look at the throat if anyone does recognize, please share!

Thumbnail by imtimm2
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

imtimm2, when someone gives you its name you should post it in PDB. It's so nice and sharp and shows its details so well. I love the softness of its coloring. Is the salmon that much brighter?

I'm really glad you guys bumped this thread, it reminded me to go stick a striped straw in by the lily I'm having to move as this thread started. I've even been neglecting to roam the site, life got busy.

Me too, thanks for the site langbr, did you put it in IDforum? ~Blooms

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Maybe 'Ballroom' ?


Or 'Sequoia' ?


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