cold weather

Enkoping, Sweden

Hi friends,I want to tell you about our weather here in Sweden its so cold and rainy its the worst in 76 years so its difficult to grow some vegs like pole beans the best beans are now only 30 cm high.The cabbage is the opposite the biggest I have ever seen and very healthy but with a lot of slugs I go out every day at 22 hour and pick and kill them.we also grow tomatoes outside its a bush type called goldnugget it has a lot of flowers but no fruits yet.Now at last everything is planted out xept some lettuch that we plant out every week we plant out 300 plants a week for the farmers market.we also have take away all weeds from our yellow carrots and beets.we have make it easy for us we grows nearly everything with plastic to prevent weeds we make holes for the plants it takes a little moore time to do it but we have no weeds there.another thing we try this year is to grow hot peppers outside but right now its difficult they grow but very slowly.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Roger - Sorry about your unusual weather. It must be a great disappointment. Cabbage thrive in cool weather and so will broccoli. Try some. Here in So.Florida it is supposed to be our rainy season but we are far behind our amount of rainfall.
Seems like most of us are having some sort of climatic problems. Peppers and eggplants are heat lovers so they will have a difficult time as long as your weather remains cool and wet. It has been in the 90 degree range and the sun just burns up most all crops. I am slightly south of the "Tropic of Cancer" and the sun's rays make it too hot to do any gardening until the fall season. Nice talking to you....

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Hi Roger~
Did you know that you can trap those slugs by setting out shallows dishes of beer? You would be surprised how many more you would catch!

What is the variety name of your yellow carrots?


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