Is this a mutation???

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

We found these growing on our potato vines. They are on the vine right alongside the blooms. This looks like a tomato. Our potatoes are Kennebecks. Any ideas?

Thumbnail by shazbot3
Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

And here it is on the potato vine itself. I know, it's hard to see.

Thumbnail by shazbot3
Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

I cropped it a bit, but not much better.

Thumbnail by shazbot3
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I have Kennebecs, and I am clueless. Did you use certified seed potatoes? What do you have planted near them, potatoes are more susceptible to disease if planted with (in close proximity to) certain things...

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

shazbot3, those are seed pods. As I understand it, if you let them mature and plant the seed next year you'll get several different types of potatoes from them, but not Kennebec.

Some years you'll have lots, other years none. I haven't found any on my Kennebecs this year. They usually form after the blossoms drop.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Thanks BigRed, now I won't get worried if I find any...BTW, I pulled up an AllRed potato plant out of curiosity, and the tubers are nowhere near new potato size. So I kept the one that fell off, cut off the top of the plant, threw the seed potato in the compost, and then replanted the roots. What should I expect to see?

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm not sure but I don't think you should expect much from that one. How long have you had your potatoes in?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

BigRed~Didn't think so, just wanted to experiment a little...

I planted all my potatoes on May 18 in double rows, then have kept them covered with hay. The All Red began to bloom June 26th (the day I dound Dave's Garden, and my birthday, sniff, sniffle).

So that makes it less then 60 days, looks like I should give it a few more weeks. The All Blue are blooming, and the Kennebec are beginning to bloom. The plants are very healthy and tall, have received plenty of rain.

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, thnks, Big_Red. We've always planted this type of potato, but I've never seen this, noe has anyone else I've talked to. It would be kind of interesting to see what happens when they're planted, but I don't think any of these things will make it to maturity as they keep falling off the vines if we barely touch them. If I can get some, tho, I'll plant next year just to see what happens! Wonder do the seed need a cooling stint in fridge like some other things?

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Hopefully you'll get a few to mature. The ones I've seen start to turn whitish, then yellow when they ripen. Many of the seeds will be sterile, but there will be so many that there's a chance that you'll have some come up. They're supposed be as easy as starting tomatoes.

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

shazbot3, according to my Uncle Walt, who was a 'master gardener' before you needed an education and a certificate, potato seeds are about the same as apples, each seed will grow a different variety with no two alike. Some will be good, some will be useless, but there is a chance of getting a really good variety. I've never tried it before but it could be fun.

Richland, MS(Zone 8a)

Please be aware that these little tater fruits are poisonous.

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