Help! Mold!

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

I have 5 cuttings in rooting media (peat moss/perlite mix). I just checked on the little guys today, and saw mold growing on the outside of my clay pots! The plants "seem" to be doing ok; sprouting new offsets and such. Do I need to remove them from the pots and repot? Is this going to kill them?
Please help soon!!! I'm going out of town for a few days tomorrow morning and need to do to whatever you tell me to.

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

can anyone answer my question? I searched the forum, books, and internet and couldn't find an answer...

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

If your really worried I would spray the outside of the pots with a diluted bleach watre solution to kill the mold....might even mist the top of the soil in the pots too if it appears to be spreading.
Can you post a pic?

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks rikerbear....unfortunately (or fortunately :)), I already repotted the plants (in regular potting soil) & soaked the pots in bleach because I was worried. I definitely will next time. I think it had something to do with the peat moss/perlite mix because none of my other clay pots had mold on them...weird!

Thanks for all of your help. I plan to grow plants for friends and family and will be propagating alot more. The rooting media did wonders to help grow roots, but I'm not sure I want to use it if the mold is going to come up everytime. Live & Learn. :)

Does mold/mildew damage plants? Did I jump the gun in repotting them?

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