Butterfly Bushes Trades in Jeopardy

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I am a cursed man it appears....at least where it comes to trades.

My dear sweet 'helpful' partner decided to once again help me by cleaning the patio area.....which is where all the baby Butterfly bushes are. I had each color (white, yellow, pink, and blk knight) all in their own trays. Now they are all in one big tray and I have no idea what color is what.....other than the blk knight which is variegated.
Ladies expecting trades from me can join in my crap shoot and take a baby as planned, I just can no longer guarantee the color.
I can still send the couple Blk Knight that I have rooted.

If you wish to bail I will completely understand and will as quickly as possible return you postage monies and or stamps.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

What a shame... it's as bad as kids or pets who lift the tags!

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)


oh well, those who are receiving the plants should just be thankful they are getting plants at all!

Could be worse!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Next time I put a tag directly on each seperate pot not just the tray......see what 'lazy' gets me. LOL

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi rikerbear...hmmmmm how is Your "sweet helpful " Partner ? is he still alive ? :-)))........let me tell You when my husband of 38 years cut down one of MY :-) rosebushes just on one side 2 Years ago and totally ruined it in my mind because I wanted to train it into a Fountain type /shape I just let him have it......my Anger/Temper got the "best" of me .BOY was I mad at him..I had nursed that Bush for several Years .It took me several Years to grow it that size.......guess what ? he has not "pruned" my roses again !
Every time he has a Trimmer in his hand though I follow him !! makes me edgy because something is cut down in no time that took several months/Years to grow.
Our Lawn People who mow the whole Season do enough Damage without my husbands help.
Guess we just have to watch these Helpers of ours.
But I am sure Your partner just wanted to be "helpful" as my Husband claimed as his defense,

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

It was his excuse yes.......as it was the other 'helpful' episodes this season.
1: He moved all of my iris pots together mixing up the yellows and the chocolates
2: He weeded out all of the baby japanese maples I was growing out.
3: Now the BB starts.

Strike Three!!! hehehehehehehe
Well at least he's willing to do the yuck work for me...the edging and mowing. Hate that part of yard maintance.

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

Hey Marc, How are the verigated butterfly bushes coming along? Good I hope...:-)

Thx, Carol

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

They have hit a stagnant period....not growing and not dying either. Still a very small 1/2 inch roots mass (on the 3 I checked anyway)
I'm sorry it's taking so dare long....but ummm I'm obviously not in controll :-)
I promise you'll get one....honest....no really, I mean it.

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

lol @ marc I know I'll get one when there ready to travel..wasnt even thinking I wouldnt...:-)

I've got some Honeycomb yellow I'm trying to root and its a slow here too....kinda like you said just siting there

thx, Carol

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Moretz....your BB baby went out yesterday afternoon. You should get it by Friday I would think.
It's a little less variegated than the parent plant, but I believe that is from being rooted in a shady enviroment......should get better with more sun and growth.
Enjoy it! Sorry it took so long, but didn't want to send you anything till I was sure it would survive.....you've only been waiting since January I believe :-)


P.S. The others that are promised will go out as soon as they have a better root system....promise :-)

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