Starter garden

Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

I ordered the perennial starter garden from Bluestone & this is the picture on April 4th when I planted it. I think this is a great garden for people like me-new to perennials:) I only lost one plant I think it got stepped on, so not Bluestones fault. The next pic is how it looks today, only 3 months later.

Thumbnail by kwells
Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

This is the garden today, with really no special care & it's all starting to bloom so nicely. This is 51 plants they send & planting instructions etc.
My only concern is the Nepeta Walker's Low (catmint) is sort of taking over. Has anyone else tried this starter garden? It's really been fun & waiting for each plant to bloom is a daily surprise.
p.s. I don't work for Bluestone!;)

Thumbnail by kwells
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Looks lovely Kwells. I have never tried any of Bluestones plants, but they are sure looking good.
As for the catmint, just prune it back to where you want it. I prune mine at least twice if not three times a season....does just fine with a 'hair cut'


Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

RikerBear, Thanks so much for the tip. I think I may have planted some of these too close together-always my problem with small plants:) The bees & hummers are all over the catmint flowers, so I'll cut it back after it flowers, hope that's right. This was my first order from Bluestone & I think I might try the shade garden next spring.
Thanks, Kathy

Mount Hermon, LA(Zone 8b)

Now that looks really nice! I never thought that those garden kits were any good, but yours has grown beautifully. Nice going!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Kinda like a magic trick isn't it Kwells? Wow that's enough to make me try one.

Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks so much! It really was like magic, from little 2" pots to 1-2 gal plants in such a short time just amazed me. Thought the selection of plants was nice, really drawing the bees & butterflies. I'm "nursery impaired" so this was perfect-I didn't have to make a choice of plants to buy;)

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow, if you don't work for Bluestone -- maybe you should! Offer them your before-after pics, for their catalog/website; maybe they'll send you the shade garden for free! Great testamonial!

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Bluestone has always been reliable for me too

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Bluestone is my #1 spring plant source. I usually get some fall items from them too.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

It looks very nice. When you don't know what to buy this is an easy way to get started, learn what plants you have and how they do, and have something close to an instant garden that will repeat itself next year. A year or two after that some of these plants will need dividing and you will be giving them away to other beginner gardeners. By then you won't be a beginner anymore either. I got my garden starts several years ago from a lady who was dividing plants, but I didn't label anything and by the time I got them home and started digging holes I had forgotten if they needed shade or sun, grew short or tall and so I ended up with some things in the wrong places. A few of them died but most lived in spite of my mistakes, something that still amazes me!

Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

~'spin!~ I love it! I might just try your idea, if they don't go for the shade garden, maybe at least some bonus plants?;)
Mary, you're right, this really was an instant garden for me:)
I even put the name tags next to the plants-a first for me lol.
Thanks, Kathy

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

I love Bluestone too and have only ever ordered single plantpacks (usually on sale) and they are all doing really well except for the ones that got too much compost and burned. My fault. I was thinking of doing the shade garden too.

It says fall shipping so I guess that they will get pretty established if I order for October planting. Usually I am your typical "Its Spring! Rush to the nursery!"

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

Kwells this looks great! Glad you live in a zone where you can do this. I have a huge packet of "mixed butterfly/hummer" seeds that Select Seeds sent me as a promotion. Its been languishing in my freezer since none of the things in it will grow here in deep south. Want it? Could do a wildflower garden as next project!

Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

delph, Thanks so much on the seed offer:) Let me know how much postage & how to send it to you. I've had really good luck with all my seeds this year for some reason. Let me know if there's any plants or seeds you are looking for-I might have to trade.
daisy, Thanks for the heads up for Oct. shipping, I thought they only shipped in the spring. I'm going to order this fall-I went to a nursery yesterday & most of the plants are $7 per gal, too $$$ for me;)
Thanks, Kathy

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